Barry Cockcroft named interim Chair of the British Fluoridation Society

The current Chairman of the British Fluoridation Society (BFS), Steve Bedser, is standing down after leading the organisation for five years. Dr Barry Cockcroft CBE, who was elected to the BFS Executive in 2020, has agreed to take over from Steve in an interim capacity until a formal election can take place at the BFS AGM later this year.

Steve’s contribution to the BFS has been significant. When the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 came into being, public health became the responsibility of local authorities. Steve, who was on Birmingham City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board at the time, understood the role of water fluoridation in reducing oral health inequalities. Birmingham had been the first City in the UK to have its water supply fluoridated and inspired the formation of the BFS with its mission to drive up targeted water fluoridation schemes across the UK. Steve wanted to be part of that work and joined BFS before being elected as Chair soon afterwards.

The White Paper announced in February of this year, paving the way for new legislation, signalled that the Government plans to take back control of water fluoridation schemes.

Dr Cockcroft, the former Chief Dental Officer for England, who joined BFS in 2006, commented: “The BFS is delighted the Government has accepted that targeted water fluoridation is the most cost effective way to reduce the unacceptable inequalities in oral health and by the unequivocal support of Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock.

“We will now be working to support the Government when it proposes new schemes and will also be watching the passage of legislation through the Parliamentary process to ensure that it delivers what we all want. I am delighted to be taking on the Chairman’s role at this critical time.”

After paying tribute to Steve Bedser for his work on behalf of BFS, Dr Cockcroft added, “No announcement at this time would be complete without mentioning the late Mike Lennon, who passed away on April 9. As Chairman of BFS for 20 years he did so much to make the Society an internationally respected authority on water fluoridation. Plans are being developed to celebrate his achievements. I am stepping into very big shoes.”

Changing smiles, discreetly

You may be experiencing more enquiries about orthodontics, as patients want to invest in improving their smile.

With the Incognito Appliance System from 3M Oral Care, your patients won’t have to feel self-conscious about wearing an appliance, because it is fitted behind the teeth.

It will be customised to the oral cavity and will gently move their teeth into the desired position. The results will be predictable, enduring and even life-changing, offering an ideal solution for a range of patients.

With the Incognito Appliance System, they can go about their daily lives, knowing that they are on the path to achieving the smile of their dreams.

To find out how you can offer this system at your practice, contact the 3M team today.


For more information, call 0845 873 4066 or visit

3M representatives continue to be available via video calling technologies for your convenience




3M and Incognito are trademarks of the 3M Company.

IAS Lab – reliably supporting GDP orthodontics

For practices to resume “normal” business, they need services and support they can rely on. The team understand this at the IAS Lab, which is why we have continued to provide a reliable service for GDPs across the UK.

In the past year, we have also invested in new production technology that means we have been able to reduce the price of our aligners without any compromise in quality or turnaround times.

Plus, IAS Academy members benefit from extra discounts and completely free digital treatment set-ups for significant further savings.

Want to know more? Visit the website or contact the team for more details.


For more information on IAS Academy membership and upcoming training courses, please visit, email or call 01932 336470 (Press 1)

Better together

When technologies work together seamlessly, this makes the professional workflow, quicker, easier and more efficient. It also contributes to a smooth patient experience for their satisfaction as well.

That’s why the Straumann Group has teamed up with 3Shape to ensure flawless integration of the Trios® intraoral scanner with the ClearCorrect® digital workflow. The result is highly accurate digital impressions, with image files transferred onto the ClearCorrect® portal in seconds for fast and simple diagnostics and treatment planning for orthodontic patients.

This is just one example of how technologies from the Straumann Group are designed to work better together for the benefit of both patient and practitioner. To find out more, contact the Straumann Group team today.


For more information on ClearCorrect®, visit:

Communicating the right way

Effective patient communication is the cornerstone of successful dentistry. The exchange of information, the opportunity for questions and the building of trust are all essential for patients’ engagement with their oral health and their informed consent to treatment. It is even more important for those considering dental implants given the increased complexity of procedures compared to other options. However, there are various potential barriers that can impact communication between patient and practitioner, all of which need to be considered and addressed carefully in order to optimise the treatment journey for all involved.

Potential barriers to communication

There are many possible obstacles that could reduce the effectiveness of communication with patients. The language used is the most obvious, which is why it is so important to use simple terminology without dental jargon. For instance, there are several complicated techniques, materials and processes involved with dental implant placement and restoration – patients don’t need to know clinical terms, they just need to know what they will experience, as well as the possible benefits and side effects. It can be prudent to use analogies when explaining the importance of oral hygiene or detailing treatment steps, as this can help patients really understand the procedure and the role they need to play. It is just as vital to adopt a friendly yet confident tone – you need to be authoritative enough that your patients trust you know what you’re talking about, but gentle enough that they don’t feel chastised or embarrassed to approach you with a question.

The next potential barrier to efficient interactions with patients involves their perceptions of dentistry and their dental needs. The internet is a wonderful thing, making information readily accessible and enabling individuals to do their own research in order to educate themselves and better appreciate their health status. However, with many less-than-reliable sources out there, some people will be unknowingly misinformed and therefore can develop mistaken or unrealistic ideas about their current condition or what type of dental treatment will work best for them. Approaching the situation without blame and educating them on the importance of professional advice can go a long way to gaining their trust and encouraging them to prioritise the information and recommendations you provide.

Enhancing trust

Good communication requires a high level of trust between patient and practitioner, which is often developed over time. When it comes to dental implant therapy, most patients will seek treatment from a dental practice they already know or that has been recommended to them by a friend or family member. Though modern protocols and systems make treatment as minimally invasive, quick and painless as possible, it is still oral surgery and requires a major investment from the patient.

Whether discussing dental implants with a long-time patient or someone new to the practice, establishing mutual respect and making them feel comfortable are both vital. Make it clear that their health and desires always come first – before your own workflow, your time or treatment costs. Ensure they are aware of all their options, including alternatives to dental implant-retained prostheses wherever appropriate. Reiterating the potential challenges and side effects of treatment is also just as important as describing how a positive outcome could improve their quality of life. They need to understand you are a healthcare professional and are not there to sell to them for the highest price.

Utilise different communication techniques

For patients who are considering dental implant treatment, it is crucial to give them information on everything from the clinical procedure to the likely advantages and disadvantages, cost indications and long-term maintenance commitment. It is then important that they have sufficient time to digest this information at their own pace in order to make the best decision for them.

The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) aims to help its members make this process simpler by offering recently updated ADI Patient Informational Leaflets – the first 50 of which are free to all members. These leaflets contain all the details patients could possibly need, presented in an easy-to-understand way. You will have peace of mind that they are basing their treatment decisions on reliable information and they will likely appreciate that your advice is supported by an external source like the association. The leaflet also gives patients a resource to take home and review at their own pace, ensuring they don’t feel rushed and further enhancing their understanding for high-quality consent.

A two-way street

By taking that little extra time to communicate with patients in the right way – especially when it comes to dental implants – you will soon reap the rewards. Not only does this increase treatment acceptance, but it also boosts patient satisfaction and encourages word-of-mouth referrals for business growth and long-term stability. You communicate effectively with them and they will communicate positively about you with others. It’s a win-win situation! 


For more information about the ADI, or to join, please visit the website

Taking the leap

Dr Nik Patel, Principal of Brynteg Dental Practice in Wales, transformed his business from NHS dentistry to fully private about 12 years ago. He shares his experience of the challenges faced and the rewards realised, as well as how the unwavering support of Knight Dental Design Laboratory helped him and his practice to truly thrive.


About 20 years ago, I was doing more cosmetic cases in practice. It was becoming difficult to allocate sufficient time to different types of appointments while still delivering an NHS contract. I had been thinking about focusing exclusively on private cosmetic dentistry, but I wasn’t quite ready. In part, this was because I hadn’t found a dental lab that delivered the consistent quality I needed – until I met Tony Knight in 2010.

A dentist friend asked me to provide some cosmetic treatment, with the ceramic work performed by a lab in London – Knight Dental Design. I was so impressed by the quality of the prosthetics that I contacted the lab directly and we did a few cases together. Tony Knight was – and still is – easy-going and very approachable. He also produced quality products more consistently than I had ever experienced from other labs so we continued to work together.

By 2004, I needed to make a change in the practice. We had far too many patients and we needed to adapt to maintain the standard of patient service we aspired to. So, I took the plunge and went fully private.

The transition was smooth. We already had demand for private cosmetic treatments among our patients, but there were unknown risks given that we were the first practice in the area to go private. It became one of the best decisions I ever made – especially with growing restraints on NHS dentistry over time and during the pandemic.

To really make it work, we invested in the best materials, the best technology, the best dental lab and the on-going training of our team. For the latter, we are lucky to have kept the same team over the past 15 years. We have grown together, evolved naturally with the business and our patients’ needs. All of this is reflected in the quality of services we have been able to deliver.

Digital transformation

A few years ago, we expanded the digital workflow. I provide a lot of dental implants and surgical procedures, so improving accuracy, predictability and quality of treatment outcomes with the latest technology has always been a priority. Digital solutions also provide a better way of presenting treatment plans to patients for enhanced consent and treatment acceptance. By simulating the potential final result, I can also manage patients’ expectations and ensure that what they want and what I can provide are aligned. If a patient is looking for something that I don’t think is possible or that I cannot provide, the patient is able to look for another clinician who might be able to get them the results they want. It is important to identify early on if you cannot do something as a clinician – it saves both you and the patient from unnecessary dissatisfaction later on! While I have always had these strict treatment protocols, digital technologies make it easier to communicate with patients during the process.

Other advantages of digital dentistry include the significantly reduced risk of cross contamination when using digital impressions in place of traditional models. The instant transfer of data also enables the technician to start cases immediately, supporting fast turnaround times. I commonly connect with Tony while the patient is still in the chair to ensure that I have captured all the information he needs for the fabrication of exceptional prostheses. This enhanced communication makes a massive difference to the predictability of aesthetic outcomes.





I have not historically invested a lot in marketing. The practice has relied heavily on patient referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations, which has worked very well for us. Especially with the growing popularity and accessibility of social media, many patients come to us impressed by the results we had achieved for others.

That said, I wanted to provide a portfolio of the aesthetic work that I had completed. Tony was once again instrumental in taking professional photographs of patients post-treatment and collating the images into a stunning book to properly showcase our work together. He also filmed short videos that we use as a TV loop in the waiting room. This has proved most successful as a conversation starter with patients who enquire about possible treatment options after seeing the amazing, real-life results achieved with others. I think it helps significantly that all the cases shown were completed by us – they are not stock images and they have not been edited in any way, giving us real credibility and giving patients total confidence in us. Pandemic allowing, we also plan to send some of the books to local businesses so that we can reach a larger audience and establish new relationships within the community.

An essential building block

Though many elements have contributed to our success as a private practice, I cannot stress enough the importance of working with a good laboratory. Since working with Knight Dental Design, the quality of my cases and my reputation have increased significantly. We have built a really good working relationship, which I think is half the battle – dentist and technician must be on the same song sheet to achieve results you both aspire to. Tony will help as much as he can, whenever he can – he’ll even speak to patients directly if they wish to communicate their situation and/or desires for treatment. This is the kind of support every practice needs to be at its best.



For more information, please visit, email or call 0208 317 0979


Author: Dr. Nik Patel BDS (Wales) Dip Implant Dent (RCSEd)

Dr Patel qualified from Cardiff dental school in 1993, became a FD trainer (then a vocational trainer) in 2000 and completed a Diploma in Implant Dentistry in 2015. He currently runs four dental practices in Wales, which offer general dentistry with a focus on private, cosmetic treatments. Visit for more information.

The recommendation that paid off

Dr Shiv Pabary successfully sold his practice with the help of Luke Moore and his team at Dental Elite. Reflecting on the experience, he says: 

“My biggest concern prior to marketing my practice for sale was ensuring the buyer had a similar vision and philosophy for looking after my patients and team post-transaction. I chose to work with Dental Elite based on the recommendation of a trusted colleague, who had previously instructed the team on a complex 10-practice acquisition.

“I hardly noticed the CQC changeover – it was all carried out in the background and, despite changes to the completion date, Dental Elite managed to engage constructively with the CQC to achieve a pragmatic outcome.

“The greatest challenge in selling the practice was the COVID-19 pandemic and the length of time it took to get the deal over the line. I stayed on at the practice to ensure a smooth transition period and continuity of patient care for the on-going success of the business.”


For more information on Dental Elite visit, email or call 01788 545 900

Are you hungry for a challenge?

The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) is committed to promoting excellence among every member of the practice team. That’s why its prestigious Accreditation programme is not only open to dentists, but also dental technicians who are hungry for a challenge. Paul Gerrard is among the few dental technicians who have achieved this highly respected accolade. Commenting on his experience of the BACD Accreditation process, he says:

“During the early 2000s, cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry experienced renewed patient focus and strong growth, presenting a great opportunity for dental team members with the relevant skills and competence to treat patients seeking such procedures. This led to an increase in demand from my clients to provide the services they needed to satisfy this market, which encouraged me to seek avenues for further education.

“By this time, my own professional career had also reached a point where I was looking for the next ‘big thing’ to satisfy my dental-related interests. It was a combination of these factors that motivated me to attend an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Annual Conference in the US. The BACD was formed shortly afterwards and its Accreditation programme provided a well-structured and achievable route to building the skillset I needed to deliver highly aesthetic and functional restorative work for my clients.

“During my Accreditation journey, I learned that a systematic, multidisciplinary team approach to case planning through good communication and implementation is critical to long-term treatment success. I also benefitted from the chance to work more closely with clinical colleagues and patients, which is invaluable for any dental technician. After achieving BACD Accreditation, it was particularly rewarding to witness the often life-changing difference my work made to the quality of patients’ lives, with cases still providing service many, many years after initial treatment was completed.”

As demanding as the Accreditation process can be, it can also be highly fulfilling from both a personal and professional perspective. Paul explains why he encourages dental technicians to get involved:  

“Accreditation is a great opportunity to learn new skills through exceptional education and networking that will pay dividends for successful candidates in driving their professional achievements and businesses forward. This is re-enforced by the fact that Accreditation provides a structured process for learning and implementing the skills required to deliver high quality treatment in everyday practice.

“Becoming a BACD Accredited clinical dental technician has ensured I have the skills and confidence to treat demanding and complex cases more effectively. Additionally, it has helped me grow my business through networking with likeminded colleagues that share the same interest and passion for providing high-quality dentistry.

“By attending BACD events and utilising the support available from the Academy and fellow team members, Accreditation is an attainable achievement for any dentist or dental technician with the interest, dedication and enthusiasm to complete the journey.”

For further enquiries about the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, visit

BRILLIANT COMPONEER™, direct composites made to last

Strength, beauty, value and endurance – this is what patients want from restorations.

But what if they knew that this could be achieved in one visit?

COLTENE’s BRILLIANT COMPONEER™ – prefabricated veneer shells – will enable dentists to offer exceptional restorations in a single appointment.

As for more benefits to you, dentists using BRILLIANT COMPONEER™ report how the material is easy to handle, the results are great, and it is a cost-effective choice too.

With the shells being so thin, optimal healthy tooth structure is preserved, making BRILLIANT COMPONEER™ a minimally invasive solution.

Contact COLTENE to find out how its materials could upgrade your restorations.


For more on COLTENE, visit,
email or call 0800 254 5115.

Super-fast setting

When an impression material takes a long time to set, mistakes are more likely to occur.

Boost patient comfort and accuracy of outcomes by choosing Impregum Super Quick Polyether Impression Material from 3M Oral Care.

Able to capture every detail in just two minutes, Impregum Super Quick Polyether Impression Material from 3M also has a fresh, minty taste to encourage patient comfort during the impression-taking process.

Furthermore, a recent clinical evaluation shows a very high satisfaction rate of 95% regarding the precision of Impregum Super Quick from 3M and the fit of the final restoration.[i]

Choose the super fast option by contacting 3M today.


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3M and Impregum are trademarks of the 3M Company.


[i] 3M field evaluation with 447 participants from Europe and the US.