Communicating the right way

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  Posted by: Dental Design      25th April 2021

Effective patient communication is the cornerstone of successful dentistry. The exchange of information, the opportunity for questions and the building of trust are all essential for patients’ engagement with their oral health and their informed consent to treatment. It is even more important for those considering dental implants given the increased complexity of procedures compared to other options. However, there are various potential barriers that can impact communication between patient and practitioner, all of which need to be considered and addressed carefully in order to optimise the treatment journey for all involved.

Potential barriers to communication

There are many possible obstacles that could reduce the effectiveness of communication with patients. The language used is the most obvious, which is why it is so important to use simple terminology without dental jargon. For instance, there are several complicated techniques, materials and processes involved with dental implant placement and restoration – patients don’t need to know clinical terms, they just need to know what they will experience, as well as the possible benefits and side effects. It can be prudent to use analogies when explaining the importance of oral hygiene or detailing treatment steps, as this can help patients really understand the procedure and the role they need to play. It is just as vital to adopt a friendly yet confident tone – you need to be authoritative enough that your patients trust you know what you’re talking about, but gentle enough that they don’t feel chastised or embarrassed to approach you with a question.

The next potential barrier to efficient interactions with patients involves their perceptions of dentistry and their dental needs. The internet is a wonderful thing, making information readily accessible and enabling individuals to do their own research in order to educate themselves and better appreciate their health status. However, with many less-than-reliable sources out there, some people will be unknowingly misinformed and therefore can develop mistaken or unrealistic ideas about their current condition or what type of dental treatment will work best for them. Approaching the situation without blame and educating them on the importance of professional advice can go a long way to gaining their trust and encouraging them to prioritise the information and recommendations you provide.

Enhancing trust

Good communication requires a high level of trust between patient and practitioner, which is often developed over time. When it comes to dental implant therapy, most patients will seek treatment from a dental practice they already know or that has been recommended to them by a friend or family member. Though modern protocols and systems make treatment as minimally invasive, quick and painless as possible, it is still oral surgery and requires a major investment from the patient.

Whether discussing dental implants with a long-time patient or someone new to the practice, establishing mutual respect and making them feel comfortable are both vital. Make it clear that their health and desires always come first – before your own workflow, your time or treatment costs. Ensure they are aware of all their options, including alternatives to dental implant-retained prostheses wherever appropriate. Reiterating the potential challenges and side effects of treatment is also just as important as describing how a positive outcome could improve their quality of life. They need to understand you are a healthcare professional and are not there to sell to them for the highest price.

Utilise different communication techniques

For patients who are considering dental implant treatment, it is crucial to give them information on everything from the clinical procedure to the likely advantages and disadvantages, cost indications and long-term maintenance commitment. It is then important that they have sufficient time to digest this information at their own pace in order to make the best decision for them.

The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) aims to help its members make this process simpler by offering recently updated ADI Patient Informational Leaflets – the first 50 of which are free to all members. These leaflets contain all the details patients could possibly need, presented in an easy-to-understand way. You will have peace of mind that they are basing their treatment decisions on reliable information and they will likely appreciate that your advice is supported by an external source like the association. The leaflet also gives patients a resource to take home and review at their own pace, ensuring they don’t feel rushed and further enhancing their understanding for high-quality consent.

A two-way street

By taking that little extra time to communicate with patients in the right way – especially when it comes to dental implants – you will soon reap the rewards. Not only does this increase treatment acceptance, but it also boosts patient satisfaction and encourages word-of-mouth referrals for business growth and long-term stability. You communicate effectively with them and they will communicate positively about you with others. It’s a win-win situation! 


For more information about the ADI, or to join, please visit the website

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