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Materials, the foundation of exceptional outcomes and happy patients

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  Posted by: Dental Design      29th September 2023

All dentists know that materials are crucial. The time and money invested in research and development, to improve, upgrade and elevate what’s already on the market, and launch new products, shows how fundamental they are in modern dentistry and for improving levels of oral health.

A great material, one that you reach for time and time again, needs to achieve several things. First, it needs to be easy to use and handle. It must also support predictable outcomes and help you get things right, first time. For restorative cases, you’ll be looking for a material that blends perfectly with the surrounding, untreated teeth. Stability and durability are key too, to achieve that all-important balance of long-term function with aesthetics.

The kinds of treatments that are in demand, including minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and implant therapies, require an advanced level of knowledge and skill set. New techniques continue to push the boundaries and make what would once have been considered impossible, possible. Clinicians are gaining the technical abilities to do more, and help more patients comprehensively. As such, they demand materials that are high-performing and can be seamlessly integrated into everyday workflows. When combined with cutting-edge techniques, the latest tools and materials enable treatment delivery that is fast, comfortable and successful. So, there’s an interface here, between progressive dentistry and the pioneering, quality products that are required to make it happen.

Sourcing the best materials benefits dentists, dental practitioners and every patient. If an individual can receive the result that they want in just one appointment, because your practice is using upgraded products, this is an incentive to choose you. People often do not mind paying a little bit more for convenience, either. Many modern materials are multitaskers that can be used for multiple indications. This will make them popular with the practice manager, principle or whoever takes care of budgets and that other key resource – space!

Great, intuitive materials will have been developed with the whole dental team in mind. They will also offer flexibility, to make all workflows smoother, whether digital or ‘traditional’. Impression materials for laboratory-fabricated restorations can also be cutting-edge, and you may be surprised about what is now available to use. Conventional methods for taking impressions aren’t going anywhere yet, and the very best dentists will be masters of those too.

Ethical dentistry is dentistry that is tailored to the patient; an individualised treatment plan designed with their unique circumstances in mind. As such, there may be times when a traditional impression is the best option. In fact, it is often the more complex cases where you will find yourself returning to conventional impression-taking, because you know that, in combination with a high-quality material, it will give you the most accurate result, and one where the dental technician will be able to see all the margins and details.

An accurate impression – however it has been created and whether or not it gets digitised – means a restoration can be created that is precise and looks beautiful. It will fit, and the patient will be delighted by how it feels, as well as what they see. No retakes required, just high value, no-nonsense treatment delivery that leaves everyone satisfied. Modern impression materials have evolved so these things, and more, can be achieved with no need to ‘go digital’ if the case does not demand it. If you’re doing crown and bridge work – the bread and butter for most general practices – there are materials that will give you the flow, replication of detail and dimensional stability that you require for clinically successful outcomes. From COLTENE, are AFFINIS™ impression materials, available in stunning colours, so you can find your preferred combination. AFFINIS™ heavy body BLACK EDITION works well with AFFINIS™ PRECIOUS light body, in decadent silver or gold, for precise impressions that your laboratory will be happy to receive. Popular with dental nurses too, the materials are well-tolerated by patients. In the past, impressions were often one of the most dreaded parts of a dental visit, with people saying they could taste the material in their mouth for hours afterwards.

Great dentistry combines care, technique, skill, experience and the use of exceptional materials. Materials are at the very heart of the patient’s journey, supporting their comfort, also dictating how long their treatment takes to complete and how well it endures in the following months and years. With the right materials, a dentist will work more efficiently; if an impression is being made, this can mean fewer retakes and better communication with the lab and technician. Materials are fundamental to your success, giving you options as well as the results you want. Choose the best, and your practice will benefit as a whole, and earn a reputation for excellence.

For more on COLTENE, visit, or call 0800 254 5115.

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Nicolas Coomber COLTENE  National Account & Marketing Manager



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