‘We all need to be beating that drum together’

Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      24th January 2023

Claire Berry argues the case for a business-focused approach to  dental hygiene

It is almost 10 years since regulatory barriers were removed to give some dental care professionals (DCPs) direct access to patients – a move hailed at the time as a key policy change.

The change followed much petitioning from professional organisations at a time when there were also moves by the Department of Health to make greater use of the skill set of the dental team.

Dental hygiene and therapy may have come a long way since then, but some attitudes have failed to keep pace.

Many in the profession have yet to fully acknowledge the autonomy of dental hygienists and therapists – and it is a bit of a bugbear for Claire Berry, an award-winning dental hygienist.

Claire has made it her mission to remind the profession (dental hygienists and therapists included) of the value of the roles.

She is passionate about the importance of utilising their full scope of practice and the powerful dynamic of patient education and positive behavioural change they bring to the profession.

With fellow award-winning hygienist Faye Donald, Claire runs The Contemporary Hygienist, a movement designed to empower and support DH&Ts, providing quality training, and discussion groups and networking opportunities.

She wants to raise the bar for her profession and give colleagues the confidence to strike out for a more independent and business-focused way of working that, she argues, benefits everyone.

Claire explains: ‘The majority of us are self-employed, often travelling from clinic to clinic to care for patients. Ultimately, we are a business, but when we work across practices it is often wrongly assumed we are “someone’s” hygienist. It can create confusion – from who sets the boundaries to appointment times, from what equipment we use to product recommendations.’

This scenario is neither conducive to high-quality oral health care nor business success.

‘For as long as people continue to “shoehorn” everything into a 20-minute hygiene appointment, the profession suffers, the patients suffer, and the clinician ultimately suffers. We all need to be beating that drum together.’

She adds: ‘We must work together to change the mindset towards a more “associate hygienist” concept. We sometimes fall back on the thinking that “this is how it has always worked”, but times are changing.’

Independent thinking is only part of the solution. Using the best equipment to help meet the needs of patients and having the freedom to choose the best products are also vital components of a successful business.

Claire says: ‘As a self-employed DH&T, you need to think as a business. I buy my equipment because I want to invest in my business, and I choose how I practise, giving my patients the best care. I want a long career, so I will work to the best of my abilities using the equipment and treatment modalities I choose. This mindset also allowed me to take control of my career pathway. By investing in my business, I became an asset to any practice. It is a nice position to be in.’

Claire takes her physical health seriously, too, so the equipment she invests in supports her and allows her to work without risk to her neck, joint or back.

‘Only you will care enough about that, so ensure you use the right tools to support health and career longevity. Choosing my products and equipment has given me the freedom and autonomy to be the clinician I want. There is fulfilment in that.’

Longer appointment time is, she adds, vital for DH&Ts to carry out their duties successfully and particularly important to deliver pain-free treatments to patients who might be nervous or need anaesthesia.

Whilst communication is the cornerstone of patient relationship-building, Claire believes developing technologies can help the profession earn patient trust – especially if it means faster, more effective and pain-free procedures.

‘I’m all about pain-free care, especially as a hygienist. We see periodontal patients far more over a lifetime than other dental team members. Minimally invasive and pain-free procedures empower patients, and we should use the most effective methods.

‘It can help to earn trust if a patient recognises we have invested in equipment that makes their treatment more enjoyable, comfortable, effective and efficient. They are far more likely to choose that clinician over someone who fails to prioritise this.’

So when she discovers game-changing technology that offers this, Claire believes it is worth the investment.

She has been using The Wand for a couple of years now. A computer-assisted system that administers anaesthesia via a pen-like device, The Wand helps calm even the most needle-phobic patients.

It allows the delivery of LA to target a single tooth without affecting the structures around it.

Claire says: ‘I use it to treat localised sites that require deeper access. I can target specific teeth painlessly so that the patient leaves looking normal and feeling great. It is ideal for patients who are needle phobic or who dislike the after-effects of local anaesthetic.

‘The Wand goes hand in hand with guided biofilm therapy (GBT), which is designed as a protocol to be minimally invasive and pain-free. It’s a no-brainer that I continue that experience even when they require a local anaesthetic.’

More recently, she has started using the new Wand Travel Kit, which means she can easily transport the equipment between surgeries.

Compact and easy to carry, it is ideal for DH&Ts working at multiple sites. For Claire, it’s another investment that increases the value of her care delivery to patients.

‘The experience I offer has perceived value to the patient, so any cost is immaterial. They expect pain-free treatment wherever they attend an appointment with me using equipment that enhances my ability to screen for and treat disease. Plus, they get treated by a clinician who enjoys every minute of what she does!’

Claire’s mindset shift about her work, the investment in her business and her autonomy as a clinician have alleviated much stress in her day-to-day dentistry.

She adds: ‘The Wand has further enhanced this for me, with the travel kit ensuring the optimum pain-free care wherever I practise. Now is the best time to invest in yourself. Set your business apart and feel empowered.’

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