Find the missing piece to your happiness

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  Posted by: Dental Design      23rd December 2022

Something is missing and you don’t even realise it yet

You might think that your life is complete – but can you honestly say there is absolutely no way to make your life better or make you happier? It’s time to reassess what you love and put yourself first…

Dentistry is a wonderful profession that can provide a highly rewarding career. Many dentists are happy doing what they do every day – seeing patients, getting them out of pain, improving their smiles, boosting their confidence. You are probably one of these dentists yourself. But have you ever stopped to consider if there could be more?

Even when we are relatively happy, life can get monotonous. What was once exciting will lose its edge over time. The routine you create and refine can become mundane.

None of this means that you are unhappy. You may not even notice the subtle changes because it can happen slowly and sub-consciously. However, feelings of restlessness often increase over time and what you were once content with could change, eventually diminishing your quality of life.

“Why fix something that’s not broken yet?” you may ask.

Something doesn’t have to be broken to have the potential for improvement. If you look at some of the most successful business people and organisations in the modern world, they do not wait for things to stagnate before disrupting the norm and seeking innovative ways to grow. Bill Gates was famously quoted as saying “Success is a lousy teacher”. And it’s true. When things are going well and you are content with your career, there is little motivation to learn new skills and make changes. That can leave you drifting through the years, slightly disconnected, driven by habit rather than ambition and accepting the comfort that comes with familiarity.

This might be enough for you to remain content working as a dentist for many years, and that’s great.

Or, you might realise that you want that more from a career you have invested so much in already.

I worked as a dentist myself for many years so I know first-hand how easy it is to get into a rut without realising. The alarm goes off on Monday morning, you get yourself to the practice, see some great patients and a couple of difficult people, have the usual conversations about improving oral hygiene, chat with the dental nurse about your weekend spent catching up with paperwork and visiting friends. You go home, eat the typical Monday night pasta with the family, see an episode or two of your favourite TV show, go to bed – the alarm sounds and off you go again.                                                                                                                                     

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but surely, there must be more? More to enjoy, more to look forward to, more to actively get involved with – essentially, a more fulfilling version of this life. There is, if you recognise that you need to ignite that spark inside you. 

Breaking the normal cycle and moving out of you comfort zone can bring passion and exhilaration to your life that you didn’t know you were missing. It’s about finding that higher level in order to put the excitement back into your career.

The next question you might ask is “how do I do this?”

The answer will depend on what you care about most and what brings you joy. For example, many dentists realise they have a love for teaching or mentoring others, especially as they become more experienced themselves. The opportunity to pass on your knowledge and help shape the next generation can be hugely satisfying and offer unrivalled feelings of accomplishment.

Action points

  • Rate your happiness as a dentist on a scale of 1-10, 1 is ‘extremely unhappy’ and 10 is ‘couldn’t be happier’ – be completely honest with yourself. If you decide on anything other than a 10, there is room for more fulfilment.
  • Make a change to your routine tomorrow. Get up 30 minutes earlier than normal. Take a different route to work. Meditate for 10 minutes before leaving. Start reading a new book. Join a local study club. Ask a colleague if they would be interested in finding a mentor. Whatever you do, break out of your usual routine.
  • Seek support from people who can inspire you and get you motivated to really fulfil your potential. Mahmood Mawjee and The RE-IGNITE Academy offer programmes designed specifically to get you out of your comfort zone and into the best years of your working life. Reach out on Instagram @thereigniteacademy or @mahmoodmawjee to get started.

You may feel content with your life as a dentist right now, but consider what life could be like with more passion and more success. Why not see if there’s more out there for you – what’s the worst that could happen?



 For more information about The RE-IGNITE Academy, please follow @thereigniteacademy or @mahmoodmawjee on Instagram or visit


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