Changing lives with TMD treatment

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  Posted by: Dental Design      28th August 2022

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) are significant issues that are surprisingly common among the UK population. In fact, it’s estimated that as many as one in ten people suffer from a TMD, meaning that millions of people are living their lives impacted by jaw issues that could potentially be rectified.[i]

But what causes TMDs and how can professionals help? 

A complex issue

Part of what makes TMDs so complex is that there are myriad causes and symptoms that can come into play with each individual case. The temporomandibular joint in itself is a multifaceted part of the human anatomy comprised of multiple muscles and ligaments that may cause issues if they are not operating properly. As such, there is no blanket solution for treating these disorders, and unique, individualised care is paramount in order to reach a solution.

Common causes 

Behaviours, accidents and medical conditions have been linked to the development of TMDs. A heavy impact from an accident, for example, may result in someone injuring the temporomandibular joint and suffering from on-going problems. On the other hand, a TMD may form gradually over time as the result of arthritis or a connective tissue disease. Bruxism or long-term teeth clenching due to stress or genetic factors like an uneven bite may also lead to a TMD, especially as these behaviours and features put excess pressure on this joint that can damage it in both the short and long-term.[ii]

TMDs occur when any of these causes lead to damage to the joint and prohibit normal function. When operating normally, the joint combines hinge action with sliding motion. The bones of the jaw are covered in cartilage that is separated by a small, shock-absorbing disk to keep movement smooth. If this disk erodes or is misplaced, or if the cartilage is damaged, then people start to suffer.[iii]

What symptoms will patients present with?

Much like the diversity of causes behind TMDs, symptoms of these disorders can be varied and vastly depend on how serious the injury to the joint is.

Patients may present complaining of pain around their jaw, temples or ears, or say that they are experiencing popping or clicking sounds when operating their jaw. They may also complain of pain when eating or speaking or experience lockjaw and other difficult to manage side effects.[iv]

These symptoms can range from mildly annoying to life-changing, making it clear that treating these issues should be a top priority for professionals.

The tools you need to succeed

The first part of providing tailored care is to fully understand the extent of the problem and any causes that may have led to the disorder in the first place. Talk to patients and find out more about their lifestyle and habits as well as performing an in-depth examination – there may be clues such as tooth wear and other visible indicators that point to the culprit.

Of course, diagnosing TMDs is made all the more simple if you utilise cutting-edge technology such as the CS 9600 CBCT system from Carestream Dental. As the scanner allows for multi-function imaging, professionals can utilise its exceptional power to combine 3D facial scans, 3D model scanning and more to help achieve an in-depth diagnosis.

Treatment options

Depending on the cause, the severity and the progression of a TMD, different treatment and relief options may be best suited. To help minimise discomfort, patients should be encouraged to avoid putting excess strain on their jaw where possible. For instance, hard foods should be replaced where possible with soft, easy to eat alternatives like pasta and omelettes. Patients can also massage the joint to achieve relief or use heat or ice packs to help reduce any pain.

If a cause such as bruxism is to blame, considerable improvement can be made by supplying the patient with a mouth guard or splint. This will help prevent the condition from progressing, and may even allow for the joint to heal itself over time. An uneven bite can be rectified with bridgework or tooth removal depending on the individual case, again correcting the problem by removing the pressure on the joint.

There are also therapies available to patients such as ultrasound treatment and botulinum toxin injections to help relieve symptoms should they persist. If serious damage has occurred, there may be a need to refer the patient to receive surgical intervention.

Make a difference

Ultimately, temporomandibular joint disorders can have a big impact on people’s lives. As dental professionals are well placed to understand these issues, you can make a real difference by utilising high quality technology, exploring causes and guiding patients towards much needed relief.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or


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Nimisha Nariapara is the Trade Marketing Manager at Carestream Dental covering the UK, Middle East, Nordics, South Africa, Russia and CIS regions. She has worked at Carestream Dental for the past 7 years, where she has developed her marketing skills and industry knowledge to bring the core values and philosophy of the company to the market. 


[i] Bupa. TMJ Dysfunction. Link:,conditions%20more%20often%20than%20men. [Last accessed April 22].

[ii] Mayo Clinic. TMJ Disorders. Link: [Last accessed April 22].

[iii] Mayo Clinic. TMJ Disorders. Link: [Last accessed April 22].

[iv] NHS. Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). Link: [Last accessed April 22].

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