ADI – helping members save time and protect themselves

Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      25th October 2021

The ADI is delighted to launch a new ADI script for implant consultations on Kiroku – the script is now available to members for free. The digital note-taking platform is designed to help clinicians ensure the quality and efficiency of their notes, saving them time, reducing stress and helping to protect them from potential litigation.

Eimear O’Connell, ADI President, reiterates the importance of quality record keeping in today’s profession:

“Fear of medicolegal litigation has increased over the past few years. In order to help our membership make contemporaneous notes in a comprehensive but more simplified way, the ADI is delighted to announce this latest member benefit. We have partnered with Kiroku because we believe the digital note-taking platform will provide valuable support for all our clinicians in this area. This is true both for its practical implementation and in its ability to reduce stress levels. As such, it is yet another great reason to become an ADI member.”

This is just one of many valuable benefits available to ADI members – find out more today!


For more information about the ADI, or to join, please visit the website

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