An exciting opportunity for dentistry

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  Posted by: Dental Design      25th August 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating exciting new opportunities for clinicians across the UK dental profession. While interest spiked at a time when clinicians had little other choice when it came to communicating with and monitoring their patients, these solutions offer long-term advantages that both patients and practices alike appreciate.

The introduction of remote treatment monitoring capabilities enables the practitioner to significantly improve both the patient experience and the quality of treatment and care delivered. For example, it provides the ability to assess progress of orthodontic treatment much more frequently than standard appointment intervals would allow. This means that any anomalies or problems can be identified immediately, rather than waiting until the next scheduled practice visit. Not only does this enhance the speed and efficiency of treatment, but it does so without any inconvenience to the patient, who enjoys the reduced cost and hassle of substantially fewer practice appointments.

Neil Simkin, a dentist from Newton, recently introduced the DenToGo™ remote assessment and treatment monitoring solution from the Straumann Group into his practice. It supports every step of the patient journey, using AI to generate an oral health assessment report based on the photographs uploaded by the patient. MySmile creates a simulation of the predicted result to significantly increase treatment acceptance. Monitoring then allows the clinician to review progress and engage with their patient throughout treatment, as frequently as they wish.

A keen user of the ClearCorrect clear aligner system, the virtual technology provided an ideal complement to the treatment Neil already provided. He considers why he made the jump:

“I had been aware of DenToGo™ for quite some time – I remember seeing a prototype version and I knew then that it would easily find a place in my daily practice. As we went into lockdown, the opportunity arose to start using the DenToGo™ remote treatment monitoring. Despite the difficult times we were all experiencing, this was a perfect chance to utilise the technology. Scan boxes were sent out to my clear aligner patients, providing a way for me to review their treatment progress throughout lockdown.

“In terms of practical implementation, my practice has been embracing digital technology for the last two years, so the addition of another digital element has worked really well. DenToGo™ seamlessly integrates into my daily workflow. The AI does most of the work for me, so I only need to add in a short message to the patient when the AI-generated oral assessment report is ready. This takes very little time out of my day and saves the patient having to travel into the practice. Even after this short time with the technology, it feels like it has integrated within my practice really well.”

Having used DenToGo™ for a few months, Neil has already been impressed with the benefits afforded to both his patients and himself.

“The software is everything I hoped it to be. The AI works really well and it enabled me to stay in real-time contact with patients, managing their cases despite not being able to see them in practice.

“Having sent the scan boxes out over lockdown, it meant that as we returned to work and started seeing patients again, there were no surprises in store! I knew how my patients’ treatments had progressed, who was ready to move on and who needed adjustments. This made all their visits into practice much more efficient and therefore supported a smooth return to work from a business point of view.”

Neil found that the majority of his patients found the DenToGo™ app and scan box relatively simple to use. He continues:

“Once a patient had used the app for the first time, there were no problems at all. The app is very intuitive and all patients have got to grips with that aspect straight away. Now we are out of lockdown and I will be able to provide scan boxes in person, I think this will make it even more straightforward for patients. From there, it’s hard to see what challenges there would be going forward.”

In conclusion, Neil summarises the key benefits of the DenToGo™ remote assessment and treatment monitoring technology, adding:

I work in a very rural practice where many patients have a round trip that can take a few hours. Being able to interact with them at this level makes treatment so much easier for them. On an emotional level, they really appreciate it and have expressed their satisfaction. We can have a detailed discussion about their treatment without them needing to travel. Once treatment is in progress, the same idea applies. This saves the patient having to make extra visits to the practice for total convenience.”

To see for yourself how DenToGo™ could enhance the efficiency of your workflow, reduce appointments, save costs and encourage patient satisfaction, contact the Straumann Group today.


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