Teacher given £45,000 after botched surgery


  Posted by: Dental Design      22nd March 2018

Metro has reported that John Miles, a retired science teacher, has been awarded £45,000 after his bottom teeth fell out following botched mouth surgery.

The 62-year-old from Leeds was left humiliated after his lower bridge dropped out whilst he stood in front of his students.

His dentists, who had been treating him for 20 years, were sued for £45,000 as a result of the traumatic experience.

Mr Miles told the Metro: “It was nothing but pain and problems from the point I had the bridge and implants fitted. I had problems for three years with pain, fractures and it becoming loose.

“I remember I was teaching my class and all of a sudden an implant just came out in my hand. I held it up to the class.

“On another occasion, I was eating cereal and I heard a crack and that was my lower bridge breaking. I feel like I was very badly let down.”

As a result of the botched treatment, Mr Miles had no teeth in his bottom jaw for an entre year, after he developed gum disease and lost bone.

His dentists were said to have not informed him of his chronic gum problems, which caused him to lose 12 teeth.

“I had crowns and fillings every now and then, and I lost the odd tooth – but I didn’t imagine there was any major problem because I was ever told there was.

Mr Miles was made to pay for the faulty reconstruction, in 2014, out of his own retirement fund, which cost him £25,000. He has since received the compensation from his dentists after taking legal action against them.

His solicitor, Caroline Murgatroyd, told the Metro: “This really is a case of shocking dental care by two separate dentists.”

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