A different type of customer, a different type of care

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  Posted by: Dental Design      31st October 2023

Dental professionals have a duty of care to provide dental services of the highest standard to patients. Alongside this, there are other considerations that go hand-in-hand with quality clinical care: providing an outstanding patient experience before and long after the treatment has commenced. Individuals who seek dental care are both ‘patients’ and ‘customers’: it is important to see the value in providing an exceptional non-clinical experience for your patients, which can contribute to an enhanced treatment journey overall. Not only can this foster a more positive atmosphere for the patient, but it can also be key in helping dental professionals improve the care they deliver.

The patient and the customer

Dental patients are not customers in the traditional sense: all dental professionals must legally deliver care that is safe, ethical and in the patient’s best interests. As dentistry is patient-centred, it follows that, much like consumers, patients have a list of criteria when choosing a dental service provider. For dental practices that wish to grow their patient base, there are many expectations that must be met and can influence whether a patient chooses your business. Nowadays, there is an increase in ‘shopping around’: choice is in abundance and individuals seeking dental care – whether that be a simple check-up, tooth whitening or more comprehensive treatment – have plenty of options at their disposal. Thus, focusing on ways to enhance the non-clinical aspects of your business is vital.

A 2022 Consumer Oral Health Survey demonstrates that various areas are important to patients when choosing a dentist and/or dental practice. These include: trust; good patient communication; convenient appointment times; value for money; and being seen on time.[i] Undergoing dental treatment can be an emotional experience for some, and these non-clinical aspects of dentistry may contribute to a healthier, more positive patient experience on the whole. Patient satisfaction is a vastly important aspect of delivering excellent dental care: it is also a useful tool for ascertaining what aspects of the business can be improved.[ii] So, alongside providing exceptional treatment, dental professionals must consider the ways that non-clinical care can be enhanced for a more holistic and positive experience overall.

Patients who feel listened to, involved and engaged throughout their time at a practice may be more likely to follow oral care advice and remain compliant with post-operative care.[iii] For children, the elderly or those with more complex needs, an empathetic dental team can facilitate an easier, more comfortable experience. Non-clinical care can range from the bedside manner of the team to the decor of the practice, the ease of appointment booking and the ability to obtain information about the practice (like costs, treatment times etc). In order to provide a service that goes above the call of duty, it is vital to consider these small, yet influential aspects of non-clinical care.

Bridging the gap

There are certain elements of clinical and non-clinical care that can often collide, such as the communication between professional and patient prior to treatment, and also the dental products and tools

employed in the surgery. It is imperative that high-quality products are utilised to ensure that the best treatment outcomes are achieved. For instance, in dental implant therapy, patients seek a smile that will look and feel natural, restoring confidence and function for as long as possible. Therefore, it is important to make the right investment in products that will help you achieve this outcome. Similarly, patients want to know that they are being treated with products that are of a high standard, for ultimate confidence and peace of mind. Leading dental products on the market can also provide an improved experience through intelligent and science-driven designs, which help to shorten treatment times and accelerate recovery without compromising on the quality of care.

For instance, the Neodent® NeoArch® Immediate Fixed Full-Arch solution, from the Straumann Group, is an optimised system for immediate fixed treatment protocols. Edentulous patients, even those with a severe atrophic maxilla, can have function and aesthetics restored immediately so they can enjoy an enhanced quality of life sooner. The tilted posterior implants minimise the need for grafting procedures, while the options of straight or angled abutments (with a broad gingival height range) allow you to cater to your patient’s needs. With shorter treatment times and immediate, beautiful aesthetics, you can deliver an outcome that will truly transform each patient’s confidence.

A balancing act

A positive patient journey depends on successful clinical and non-clinical experiences. Patients, in many ways, are customers and so it is imperative that they feel valued, in addition to being confident about their investment in the high-quality services you offer.

 For more information on the Neodent® Grand Morse® Implant System, visit

For more information on the Neodent® Grand Morse® Implant System, visit


 [i] Denplan: Consumer Oral Health Survey Results 2022. (2022) Available at: https://www.denplan.co.uk/content/dam/simplyhealth/documents/consumer-oral-health-survey-denplan-2022.pdf [Accessed 31 Jul. 2023].

[ii] Afrashtehfar, K.I., Assery, M.K.A. and Bryant, S.R. (2020). Patient Satisfaction in Medicine and Dentistry. International Journal of Dentistry, [online] 2020. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7787801/ [Accessed 31 Jul. 2023].

[iii] Sbaraini, A., Carter, S.M., Evans, R.W. and Blinkhorn, A. (2012). Experiences of dental care: what do patients value? BMC Health Services Research, [online] 12(1). Available at: https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6963-12-177 [Accessed 31 Jul. 2023].

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