Tackling the big issues at BDIA Dental Showcase 2024

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  Posted by: Dental Design      1st February 2024

BDIA Dental Showcase – held on 22nd – 23rd March 2024 at London ExCeL – will present a diverse educational programme in addition to being the largest UK dental exhibition. There will be eight exciting theatres for dental professionals to visit, with sessions led by inspiring experts in their respective fields. Unafraid to tackle the difficult issues, the programmes will offer plenty of food for thought and everyone is encouraged to participate in the debates and discussions.

Professor Avijit Banerjee will be among the highly anticipated speaker line-up in the afternoon session of the Dental Update Theatre on Friday 22nd March. He is Professor of Cariology & Operative Dentistry / Honorary Consultant & Clinical Lead in Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences at King’s College London / Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals Foundation Trust, London, UK. About his session, he says:

“I am going to outline the possibilities of allocating NHS UDAs to remunerate team-delivered, susceptibility/needs-related, prevention-based, person-focused management of dental caries using the minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) delivery framework. There will also be some examples of how to clinically implement such phased care pathways within multiple courses of treatment. It will be a packed 45-minute session!”

“MIOC delivery and prevention-based caries management has always been pertinent, but never more so than now, as the current fee-for-service remuneration system is not fit for purpose to achieve the goal of overall disease stabilisation, reduction and even eradication within the UK (and globally). Dental caries is ever more prevalent in vulnerable, high-needs populations, often living in socio-economic deprivation. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted this inequity. There needs to be encouragement and incentivisation given to the oral healthcare team members to deliver long-term prevention-based care by managing the root cause, as opposed to simply ‘drilling and filling’ teeth to treat the tissue damage caused by the caries process.”

With several significant challenges being faced across NHS dentistry, Professor Banerjee focuses on the key issues relating to utilisation of an MIOC approach:

“There are many barriers to implementing the four interlinked clinical domains of MIOC due to the NHS systems and processes we work under currently. These include the need for contemporary undergraduate and postgraduate training and appropriate utilisation of the entire primary care oral healthcare workforce (dentists, dental therapists, dental hygienists, extended-duties dental nurses, clinical dental technicians and practice managers). NHS dental system and contract reform (including payment systems) are also needed and the overall negative perception of the public towards general dental services needs to change. So too does the lack of awareness about how oral health impacts general health and the individual’s role in taking responsibility of and valuing their personal oral and dental health as part of their systemic wellbeing. Policymakers need to align views to prioritise NHS dentistry, working with industry partners and the media to promote dentistry favourably, emphasising the importance of delivering better oral health to all.”

Further to his session in the Dental Update Theatre, Professor Banerjee will provide a summary of the key points covered in the CDO Theatre on Saturday 23rd March. This will offer a second opportunity to hear his thoughts and join what is becoming an ever more important conversation across the dental sector. 

In fact, such conversations will be happening throughout BDIA Dental Showcase, in the various lecture theatres and across the extensive exhibition. Here, you will also find an array of leading dental organisations showcasing their latest and greatest materials and technologies. Whether you offer NHS or private dentistry, or you focus on implants, orthodontics, cosmetic or restorative dentistry, there will be relevant product experts, live demonstrations and bespoke advice available to you.

It will also be the perfect platform from which to make vital business connections, to meet up with old friends and to discover new ideas that you would otherwise not have come across. Professor Banerjee adds:

“BDIA Dental Showcase is one of the main national dental conferences held in England, with a broad gathering of industry partners, businesses, clinicians, team members and educators. It attracts interest both nationally and internationally and is an opportunity for oral healthcare teams not only to find out about the latest concepts, technologies and clinical tips, but also to experience them in action and take them back to their practices. The biggest attraction for me is the opportunity to network and re-connect with people face-to-face – there’s nothing better!”

If you’re passionate about inciting positive change in UK dentistry and looking to gain exposure to some of the most forward-thinking professionals of today, don’t miss BDIA Dental Showcase 2024! Register for your free pass online today at https://dental-showcase-2024.reg.buzz/register-free-pr.

BDIA Dental Showcase 2024

22nd-23rd March

ExCeL London


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