Cosmetic dentistry on the rise – what gives you the edge over the competition?

Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      24th February 2023

We’ve all seen the headlines about the high demand for cosmetic dentistry, and how increasing numbers of patients are electing to have treatment to improve dental aesthetics. People are more aware of things like composite bonding and other treatments and products to quickly and easily fix any issues that are bothering them.

They also know that being satisfied with their smile is a big part of oral health, general physical health and emotional wellbeing. Cosmetic dentistry can restore a sense of self, so that when a person looks in the mirror, they don’t see a version of themselves that makes them want to hide away, rather than live life to the full. This partly explains why one of the big drivers behind the cosmetic boom is the elderly patient population, desiring to reverse any signs of ageing evident in the dentition, such as staining, discoloration and toothwear.[i]

But it isn’t just these patients boosting demand. People of all ages see that a beautiful  smile is achievable and within their reach, often in a relatively short space of time. If they’re unhappy with how theirs looks, and they have the money to spend, they are researching their options, including into which dentist to go to.

Building a cosmetic practice with an enviable reputation will require you to do more than simply list the services you offer on your website. When you’re dealing with a patient population that is proactive, engaged and informed, you won’t be starting from the bottom up. They will have done their own fact-finding independently, probably online, and will likely have had conversations with other practices. You’ll be meeting them halfway, listening to what they want, sharing your knowledge and experience, and often having to manage their expectations. They may have to improve their oral health before you can begin, for example, or perhaps the treatment they are interested in is unsuitable, for reasons that could be clinical, lifestyle related, or both. The patient’s understanding of their role and commitment to aftercare, including regular reviews, hygiene appointments and positive behaviours (not smoking, a healthy diet, good daily cleaning) is crucial too.

If they are disappointed with their initial consultation, rather than watch them go somewhere else, start a dialogue about what, from your professional point of view, could work even better. Communication skills are essential for a successful cosmetic practice, so you can gain patients’ trust to ensure your treatment plans are not only accepted, but completed. It isn’t just your communication skills either, but also the skills of the team who will be supporting you.

Create the right look for your practice. When a patient is choosing to spend their income and time with you, you want to give them the best experience. Set the correct tone of comfort and health, also care and luxury, so that anyone who is hesitant or feels anxious is immediately put at ease. But the space must be functional and professional too, rather than demonstrating style over substance. Patient testimonials are particularly useful when displayed in the reception area, as you can combine physical evidence of dental transformations with the relatable words of people who were delighted by the results and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you.

Make the products you use part of your marketing, promoting how only use the best, for a predictable and stable outcome. Look for consumables that your team loves working with, as well as that support efficient and conservative workflows that protect and preserve the healthy enamel. Composites should be chosen not only because they deliver a naturally beautifully result, but also because they can help prevent further damage. In some cases, modern materials will allow treatment to be completed in a day, with no compromise to strength or aesthetics. COLTENE is the leading global dental manufacturer that champions a streamlined approach to stock, and only offers products that deliver superb and predictable results, a comfortable, efficient experience for the patient and that teams enjoy working with. For beautiful and enduring cosmetic applications, its restorative range includes BRILLIANT EverGlow™, developed to provide long-lasting gloss and shade aesthetics, as well as handling convenience – it’s a real all-rounder. Also, BRILLIANT Componeer™, a composite veneering system comprised of prefabricated shells, for anterior restorations in a single visit. Amazing possibilities for patients, who can get a fantastic result fast. These materials offer exceptionally good value too.

The future of modern dentistry, with more preventive work delivered by dental hygienists, dental therapists and dental nurses, give dentists an opportunity to create a practice that focuses on services patients really want. More demand for cosmetic dentistry, from people who are engaged, informed and have high expectations, means more competition. Take steps now, so you’re ready to stand out and offer exceptional treatment in this sought-after area.

For more on COLTENE, visit,
email or call 0800 254 5115.

Author: Mark Allen, General Manager at COLTENE

[i] Morley J. The role of cosmetic dentistry in restoring a youthful appearance. J Am Dent Assoc. 1999 Aug;130 (8): 1166-72. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.1999.0370. PMID: 10491926.

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