Patient expectations – a bane for professionals?

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  Posted by: Dental Design      25th September 2022

Dentistry has transformed dramatically over the years. As a result, dental professionals have been able to enhance the care they deliver to patients. Alongside the innovative developments to clinical techniques, equipment and technologies, another development continues to rise – patient expectations.

What’s it all about?

Unrealistic expectations are perhaps one of the trickiest things that dental professionals must grapple with, as they could increase the possibility of miscommunication, misunderstanding and potentially affect the treatment outcome. But why does this happen? There are many reasons why a patient might approach their clinician with idealistic prospects, with the biggest culprit being social media. Online personalities often perpetuate the myth of immediacy, showing off, for example, cosmetic work they’ve had done seemingly overnight. While there are some who attempt to be more “authentic” online, many social media consumers are still swept up in the concept of quick treatments and glamourous outcomes, without hearing what’s happened behind the scenes. Other reasons may include opinions and/or experiences from family and friends. It’s always smart to ask around and gain some perspective, but some patients may need to take things with a pinch of salt. Or, perhaps a patient has either researched too much, so they’ve been inundated with conflicting information, or haven’t researched at all and are unsure whether the treatment is right for them at all.

Preconceived ideas regarding the treatment can go in the other direction, too. Solutions such as veneers have become increasingly popular over the years, but have also garnered plenty of negative associations. Headlines continue to recount horror stories where individuals, in a bid to save money, have travelled to other countries to get work done, with often very unsatisfactory results. As such, many patients may not even consider veneers as an option for them. However, new innovations have meant that patients can receive veneers that are more individualised, rather than ones that are visually unappealing. If a patient mentions that they’re looking to improve their smiles without having to undergo lengthy, intensive treatment, then this is certainly a possibility with the right system.

There’s always a solution

As such, if they do not already, clinicians should look to make these new and improved systems part of their dental repertoire. Of course, there will be many advantages for the practice, in terms of profitability but, more importantly, the advantages for patients are also numerous. For many patients, veneers will be an investment, but they will certainly pay-off when the right materials and techniques are utilised. Not simply due to the exceptional aesthetic results, but also for the peace of mind that the procedure will be performed ethically and holistically.

So, how can you educate patients and let them know that they can not only receive treatment that is quick and atraumatic, but that you offer it in your practice? If you have a social media platform, or a website, making an informative post about your veneer system will be a good starting point. For instance, you could display “before and after” photos of patients who have undergone treatment, and include their testimonials. Being able to see results on real people will help individuals to visualise their own potential results. Many clinicians will experience patients who come in for a routine appointment and express dissatisfaction with their smiles. By having veneers as part of your treatment offering, you can gently mention this and potentially open up a line of communication where you can answer queries and manage misconceptions. Your patient may not be immediately interested, but if in the future they change their mind, they know where they can go.

Make your patients smile with brilliance  

Nowadays, appearance is everything and the smile is often considered a person’s greatest asset. Veneers are definitely a viable option for patients who have good oral health and are looking to give their smile a new lease of life, whether for a special occasion or just for a general confidence boost. With so many remarkable solutions available on the market, clinicians have plenty of choice when choosing a direct veneer system that can deliver exceptional and long-lasting results to their patients.  

Every patient is unique and their expectations will be too. As dentistry continues to adapt and improve, patient expectations will undoubtedly rise alongside it. However, with effective communication and transparency, clinicians can help patients recognise their options, as well as improve their treatment journey. 


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Nicolas Coomber COLTENE  National Account & Marketing Manager

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