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Don’t compromise between time and quality

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  Posted by: Dental Design      25th November 2020

Time is often referred to as the single most valuable commodity in the modern world. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has never been so important to make the most of the time that we have in order to re-establish routine patient care and encourage business recovery. As such, many dental professionals are looking for ways to streamline daily tasks and maximise efficiency in every area of their clinic. 

In dentistry, clinicians will be no strangers to the idea of improving efficiency and productivity in order to provide better care to more patients, while also optimising profits and creating more time to spend with family and friends. However, it is crucial that working faster does not compromise the quality of treatment delivered or the patient experience. Thankfully, cutting-edge solutions on the market today are designed specifically to facilitate simplified workflows that both boost efficiency and clinical outcomes.

However it is not just the dental team which seeks products and protocols to support time-saving procedures. Patients are also looking for quicker treatments in fewer appointments in order to maximise on their time as well. This is evident in the development of dental implant techniques and concepts in recent years, which have been driven by both clinical excellence and patient demand.

The development of immediacy

Conventional implant surgery would have routinely involved healing periods for several months between tooth extraction and implant insertion, as well as between implant placement and the restorative phase of treatment. Today, while delayed placement and delayed loading principles still have their place in certain cases, more and more clinicians are utilising immediate protocols. In the right clinical scenarios, these concepts enable implant surgery to be completed in one appointment, rather than the traditional two, which many patients appreciate. In addition, immediate loading protocols mean patients can leave the dental practice with their new prosthetic already in place, encouraging their satisfaction.

These techniques have been developed through extensive research to ensure that they continue to deliver good clinical results. There is a body of research to demonstrate the success of immediate implant protocols and the many benefits afforded to patients. For example, immediate placement and immediate provisionalisation have been associated with a high survival rate, minimal bone loss and good aesthetics.[1] In addition, osseointegrated implants in both fully and partially edentulous patients have shown good survival rates following use of immediate loading protocols.[2] The importance of effective case selection and treatment planning have been highlighted for successful procedures.[3]

Building further on the opportunities provided by immediacy with dental implants, the full-arch rehabilitation has revolutionised today’s treatment options. The concept of ‘same-day teeth’ has grown in popularity among patients. For those who are suitable for treatment, it offers a chance to restore the function and aesthetics of their smile in a single day. The instant boost in self-confidence is commonly what attracts so many patients. It is also often what leads patients to appreciate the value of treatment and means they are more than willing to invest in their smile.

Once again, there is much evidence to support the effectiveness of full arch rehabilitation for fully edentulous patients.[4] Cumulative survival rates of immediately placed and immediately loaded implants in completely edentulous jaws are comparable to that of delayed placement and delayed loading.[5] It has been noted, however, that physical properties of the dental implants used do affect success of the treatment.

Product selection

Consequently, it is essential that clinicians employ clinically evidenced solutions for full arch rehabilitations, if they are to achieve the best results for their patients. This involves using brands that can be trusted for their quality and predictability, whose products have sufficient research behind them. It is also hugely beneficial to work with a supplier that can provide a comprehensive customer service so there will always be support available to facilitate exceptional clinical treatment in practice.

Straumann® Pro Arch is a full arch solution supported by extensive clinical research and development. It utilises the new Bone Level Fully Tapered implant, Straumann® BLX, for highly predictable results. The implant design allows for dynamic bone management, enhancing insertion torque control for high primary stability in all bone types. Made from Roxolid® material, it offers high biocompatibility with greater fatigue strength than titanium, while the SLActive® is a chemically modified hydrophilic surface designed to speed up osseous healing.

The Straumann® Pro Arch solution works with a broad range of implant lengths and diameters, though the single connection for all diameters reduces the number of abutments needed for simple workflows and clinical flexibility. The rounded and slim angulated abutments (17° and 30°) maximise space for the soft tissue, delivering aesthetics with ease and making the Straumann® Pro Arch with BLX the best option for a predictable full arch solution.

Efficiency and clinical excellence

With the clinically proven solutions available on the market today, it is possible to deliver fast and efficient implant treatment without any compromises in quality or long-term stability. Combining good case and product selection with evidence-based protocols and careful treatment planning is the key to success.


For more information on the Straumann® Pro Arch solution, please visit


[1] Van Nimwegen WG, Goené RJ, Van Daelen ACL, Stellingsma K, Raghoebar GM. Immediate implant placement and provisionalisation in the aesthetic zone,. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. October 2016;43(10);745-752

[2] Del Fabbro M, Testori T, Kekovic V, Goker F, Tumedei M, Wang H-L. A Systematic Review of Survival Rates of Osseointegrated Implants in Fully and Partially Edentulous Patients Following Immediate Loading. J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 2142.

[3] Koh R, Rudek I, Wang HL. Immediate implant placement: positives and negatives. Implant Dentistry. April 2010;19(2);98-108 doi: 10.1097/ID.0b013e3181d47eaf

[4] Piano S, Romeo E, Sbricoli L, Pisoni G, Cea N, Lops D. Simplified procedure for the immediate loading of a complete fixed prosthesis supported by four implants in the maxillary jaw: a 2-year prospective study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 00, 2015, 1-7.

[5] Kim, H., Cho, H., Kim, Y.y. et al. Implant survival and patient satisfaction in completely edentulous patients with immediate placement of implants: a retrospective study. BMC Oral Health 18, 219 (2018).

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