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Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      20th October 2018

As patients’ expectations of dental implants continue to expand, it is essential practitioners implement solutions that can help improve the efficacy of treatment. That’s why W&H offers the new Osstell Beacon handheld device, which is an excellent diagnostic tool designed to complement your digital workflow.

Using proprietary and evidence-based Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) technology, this intuitive device enables clinicians to assess osseointegration by identifying the best possible time to load an implant – all in a matter of seconds.

The Osstell Beacon offers an efficient, accurate, and non-invasive way of determining implant stability based on qualifiable data, thus enhancing osseointegration and the healing process.

This ensures clinicians are able to improve the quality of treatment by achieving more predictable outcomes. Contact W&H today for further details.

To find out more visit, call 01727 874990 or email

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