Discover the joys of BSDHT membership

Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      31st July 2018

The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) remains as committed to supporting its members as ever before.

The team will be at the BDIA Dental Showcase this October to give all members a chance to come and say hello and find out what’s new with the organisation.

Why not drop by to get an update on the exemptions project with the BADT? Or you can come and see the latest copy of the Dental Health journal, or make sure you are making the most of all the many benefits membership brings.

You may want to find out more about our upcoming Oral Health Conference and Exhibition (OHC), which we would be more than happy to discuss and give you the latest information on.

If you are not yet a BSDHT member, this will also be the perfect opportunity to see what we’re all about and discover for yourself what joys membership could bring.

Either way, we look forward to seeing you at Dental Showcase!

For more information about the BSDHT, please visit,

call 01788 575050 or email

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