Dentist spills what easter treats are best for your oral health


  Posted by: Dental Design      22nd March 2018

With Easter just around the corner, it is important to remember to take care of your teeth. Dentist and founder of The Breath Company, Dr. Harold Katz, has shared some tips on what treats to indulge in and what ones to resist…

Turn away from…

Gummy sweets: These things are packed with enough high fructose corn syrup. The sweetener acts as an alternative to sugar, and is often considered worse than its natural counterpart. Moreover, another ingredient, gelatin, gets stuck between teeth and in the ridges of your mouth, making it difficult to clean. They are a sure-fire step toward cavities as well so avoid at all costs!

Caramel: This sticky substance leeches onto teeth long past the moment we munch on it. The sugars are bad for you, but that’s not the whole equation – the more time it spends on your molars and pearly whites the more the sugars can wear down teeth enamel. The saliva in our mouths is not strong enough to wash it down either, so caramel eventually leads to tooth decay.

Hard boiled sweets and lollies: These treats are made from mainly sugar, loud and plain. The longer you spend licking away, the more the sugar accumulates on your tongue and teeth, which provides a breeding ground for bacteria!

Tuck into…

Dark chocolate: If you’re going to indulge then dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 75% and above is definitely the way to go. Dark chocolate contains antibacterial properties that can help neutralise the bacteria in your mouth. It also contains tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids, which are all antioxidants that prevent bacteria from turning into damaging acids. It can also inhibit the production of dental plaque, and can help reduce the risk of gum disease because it reduces inflammation.  Although more bitter tasting than milk chocolate, dark chocolate is definitely a better alternative so get your kids used to it so their tastebuds learn the difference.

Chocolate covered nuts: Almonds in particular make a great alternative Easter treat as they are good for your body and teeth.  Almonds are great for your teeth as they can break up some of the biofilm of the teeth, and if you coat them in dark chocolate, you’ll have a double whammy healthy treat.

Chocolate covered fruit: Some chocolate covered fruits can be great for your mouth and oral health.  Just be careful which ones you pick!  Although there isn’t extensive research to prove it, strawberries are thought to have teeth whitening powers. Some experts have suggested using strawberries as an at-home whitener because these fruits can scrub away stains from coffee, soda and wine. Strawberries also contain vitamin C, which is known to combat bad breath. These wonderful fruits will help get rid of dental plaque, and can satisfy your sweet tooth. With a little bit of semi-sweet or dark chocolate coating, you’ve got yourself a healthy and tooth-friendly desert. Just make sure not to pack on several layers of chocolate and avoid dried fruits as these tend to have similar effects on the teeth as gooey candy.

Happy Easter from The Probe!

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