BBC Scotland comes to CALCIVIS

Featured Products News

  Posted by: Dental Design      19th March 2018

This week, BBC Scotland interviewed Adam Christie, CEO of CALVICIS to speak comprehensively about the development of the company’s imaging system and told viewers how this innovative new dental device is helping to revolutionise preventative dentistry. 

Filmed at a dental practice in Edinburgh, Adam showed how the CALCIVIS imaging system works and explained:

“Using a recombinant photoprotein, the CALCIVIS imaging system identifies free calcium ions released from actively demineralising tooth surfaces.”

Viewers saw how the CALCIVIS imaging system produces a very short, low-level flash of light that is detected by an integrated intraoral sensor and presented as a glowing, digital map at the chair side. It was agreed that CALCIVIS offers dental practitioners an early detection device to identify enamel demineralisation in the earliest, most reversible stages, which enables them to plan prompt management to prevent dental caries.

In addition, the non-invasive CALCIVIS system helps patients to understand their risk of dental caries more easily and motivates them to improve oral hygiene levels.

As Adam Christie explained to the BBC, “CALCIVIS is a first for British Dentistry. Never before has it been so easy to detect areas of active demineralisation so efficiently.”

If you would like to know more about this remarkable technology, contact the CALCIVIS team today.


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