Cyclist using his phone loses his teeth during crash


  Posted by: Dental Design      16th February 2018

As reported in the Metro newspaper, a cyclist from Coventry was so engrossed in his mobile phone that he crashed into a gate in front of him.

Daz Rollins captured the incident on CCTV and posted it online with the caption ‘Dentist for you my son’.

He went outside later on and discovered several of the cyclist’s teeth along with an abundance of blood.

Daz told the Metro: “I think no matter what you’re driving or riding you shouldn’t go on your phone. It only takes a split second for something to happen and if you’re busy looking at your phone then obviously bad things can happen.

“As you can see from the footage, if he wasn’t looking at his phone he would have saw there was a big metal gate. Looking at his phone has just cost him about six teeth. Let that be a lesson to people.”

Director of Policy and Research at IAM Roadsmart said: “This footage shows that distraction from smartphones causes exactly the same problems for cyclists as it does for drivers. You simply can’t multitask if you are concentrating on a call.

“Cycling offences are a grey area, which are currently being renewed by the Westminster government. We may also soon see a re-education course being made available for careless cycling. Given the vulnerability of cyclists however using a phone is more likely to lead to a very painful reminder.”

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