In practice life, the benefits come when you keep it simple

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  Posted by: Dental Design      28th July 2021

The simplest things often make us the happiest. If we think about what we missed most during the lockdowns, high on most people’s lists would be family dinners, coffee with a friend, a trip the cinema; simple pleasures that we took for granted and for which we’ll be hugely thankful and forever grateful for, when we can fully enjoy them again.

On the other hand, after so many months of restrictions, many of us will now be intending to “seize the day”. If there is a place that you’ve long been desperate to visit, or an activity that you’ve always wanted to try, what better time than now?

But, although the pursuit of pleasure and living life to the full are important, simplicity remains a key ingredient for achieving happiness, not least as a way to identify and eliminate what you don’t need, which often adds unnecessary layers of stress and friction.

The recipe for a successful workplace

In the practice setting, simplicity is something to aspire to. Dentistry is an industry full of the new and exciting – products, tools, materials and techniques – but a truly great practice will still be great when stripped back to the basics.

Think about the simple things that everyone needs to be happy, motivated and productive at work. For example, a clear job description, so you know exactly what is required of you each day and what your goals are. Most of us will now appreciate just how fundamental routine and structure are, for our emotional wellbeing. People also need good leadership that is strong and focused, also understanding and empathetic. Regular team catch-ups are an easy, but necessary way to check-in with each other, to let everyone know that they are valued and that it is OK to speak up if they are feeling overwhelmed. Dentistry has long been recognised as a stressful profession for a number of reasons and the impact of workplace-related stress is a topic that has received extensive coverage in the past. But now there are more factors at play that could affect happiness, motivation and performance, such as job insecurity, health anxieties, worries about family members… and these are just the tip of the iceberg in the post-Covid world.

Take care of the team 

Explore ways to simplify processes, to make everyone’s work life better. Technology comes into its own here, as it can save time and stress, enabling better communication and collaboration. Technology can eliminate unnecessary multitasking. What jobs can be taken online? Have you made use of remote consultations to make patient engagement more efficient? Could you use practice management software to improve the booking system and scheduling? Although you will still be seeing fewer patients per day to allow for enhanced decontamination and infection control, schedules should continue to incorporate regular breaks for all the dental team, where possible, supporting a healthy work-life balance.

As well as giving everyone the means to focus on their own role, technology can also support continued learning, via online education. The opportunity to learn, grow and advance your career is another simple ingredient for feeling fulfilled and happy as part of a thriving practice. It can empower, boost confidence and, potentially, enhance future earnings. When a practice offers continued learning and training, it can be a way to retain talented people and keep a successful team intact, so patients don’t go elsewhere.

What is also simple – but can be overlooked – is that people need equipment, tools and materials that add value, and that actually work. It is understandable to get excited about the latest product launch, but if it won’t make workflows more efficient, or upgrade the dentistry that you do, it might not be worth investing in. So, don’t prioritise a cutting-edge scanner if the ancient office computers are a source of daily frustration, or seek a new composite that isn’t adaptable for the different indications that you routinely see. Strip materials down to simple, high-quality and hard-working choices – look for universal composites that can be used in both the anterior and posterior regions and are just as useful for everyday dentistry as for more complex cases. BRILLIANT EverGlow™, a stackable submicron hybrid universal composite from COLTENE, ticks these boxes, with no compromise to your final restorations, which will be highly aesthetic and enduring.

The simple life doesn’t mean one without creativity, without any exploration of the new and exciting. It means getting the basics right, but not taking the essentials for granted. Keeping things simple is the most direct route to predictable results and better clinical outcomes, delivered by a team that has everything it needs to offer the highest quality care, every time. Simplicity gives you the foundation on which to add your own personal flourishes, which will add uniqueness to your brand. When you get the simple things right, you’ll be rewarded with a happy practice and happy, loyal patients.


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