Mastering cosmetic dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is a vast and dynamic field. Though many clinicians focus their practise in the...Select schools in England introduce teeth-brushing lessons in response to a rise in tooth extractions
Alarming data reveals that 1,045 children per 100,000 required tooth extractions in the past year....“Totally changed my ortho game”
Dr Kushbah Begum, Principal Dental Surgeon at Coach House Dental Practice & Laboratory,...Supporting newly qualified dentists in digital dentistry at Clyde Munro – Get excited for the future!
Clyde Munro Dental Group understands the challenges faced by dentists in the first few years of...Regulating X-rays
Start reading through the General Dental Council’s “Standards for the Dental Team”, and...GDC kicks off search for new Chair and Council Members
The General Dental Council (GDC) today launched recruitment campaigns for a new Chair of Council...‘An excellent day out!’
Dr Lindsay Milton recently attended the Edinburgh Porsche Roadshow with Clover Dental Group, which...Define your unique workflows
Modern digital solutions provide clinicians with the flexibility they need to define their unique...The adhesive for improved patient care
3M Health Care is now Solventum. Learn how we enable better, smarter, safer healthcare to improve...Flexibility in the dental practice
For growing dental practices, it’s useful to implement equipment which supports each area of your...Connection, community and career
No matter where you have reached in your career or what your future goals are, actively being part...Avoiding irritable braces
For many younger patients, fixed orthodontic solutions are a tough trade off – for brilliant...