Infection control team training – at the heart of practice safety
Any team is only as good as the training and support they receive. In the dental practice, both of...Pure and simple
Simplicity for an enhanced user experience – the Axano Pure treatment centre, available from...Set yourself up for career success with valuable insights
Dr Chris McConnell will be presenting alongside his colleague Dr Paul Abrahams in the Business...Be at the top of your cosmetic dental game
For dentists looking to be at the very top of their game in cosmetic dentistry, BACD Accreditation...The art of listening
For thousands of years people have gathered to listen to speakers, from Greek orators to university...Emergency phone messaging for practices
Should a patient phone the practice out of hours, seeking emergency care, providing an answerphone...Learn, then keep learning
The Advanced Diploma course from IAS Academy advances the orthodontic skills and knowledge of...A bleeding problem
Paper cuts, falls, trauma, toothbrushing – there are many ways in which the average person may...To be with you everywhere
As the days get darker and colder, a winter holiday can be very appealing. For patients jetting...Meet the Council: Sanjay Ardeshna
Dr Sanjay Ardeshna is an Ordinary Member of the British Endodontic Society (BES) council. He shares...Networking done differently
Experience networking done differently with Clover Dental Group, with a wide array of events held...An excess of processed food
When discussing processed food, many may think of reconstituted meat, tinned foods or ready meals....