These are unquestionably difficult times. It is apparent that dentists have become increasingly frustrated and disenfranchised, given the lack of support from governing bodies. However, Dr Harry Singh is on hand to offer his advice and expertise on how you can future proof your finances through building a passive income.

Over the past weeks, many dentists around the country have asked me what the virus might mean for their financial future in 2020 and beyond.

Dr Harry Singh has been investing in property since 2002 and this allowed him to give up Dentistry completely.

The webinar will include:
The types of investments that can be made relatively safely during these incredibly challenging times.

How to prepare NOW so you are ready for the opportunities that will present themselves.

‘After attending Harry’s advanced property workshop I have secured 2 property deals using the strategies taught during the workshop, with total equity of £50,000” Dr CB

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