So many dentists fall into the trap of feeling they have to market heavily to new patients they barely know, to carry out potentially high risk treatments, for solely aesthetic reasons.
While every practice needs a stream of new patients, the question has to be asked- are we ignoring the loyal patients sitting in our chairs every day?
This lecture will highlight how a different approach to our daily dentistry, co- diagnosis and functional examinations can help our patients build up a dynamic picture, that allows them to choose treatments that have an aesthetic benefit for functional and long term stability too. Ultimately carrying out larger treatments on our own well informed patients should carry less risk.
Tif Qureshi will talk about how he communicates daily to patients at check-ups. He will cover the important extra examination protocols that allow patients to build up a better picture of what is going on in their mouths, so they can understand the benefits of simple interceptive treatments to prevent further problems.
This lecture uniquely connects restorative dentistry, aesthetics, function and orthodontics backed up by long case follow ups and will benefit dentists, specialists and the team.
Aims and objectives
- Treating patients over their lifetime; observing wear and functional change; intercepting with ortho-restorative treatment; co-diagnosing and assessing in a new way.
- Understand the practical use of ABB as part of interceptive restorative dentistry.
- Assessment, diagnosis and planning; know the protocols and planning of simple tooth alignment; understanding the importance of Anterior Orthodontic Occlusal Planning through digital control.