The links between oral cancer and obesity
Obesity has become a global health crisis, with far-reaching implications for both physical and...Expert decontamination products, service and support
There are many factors that set Eschmann apart from other decontamination product and service...Stay at the forefront of dental implantology
In order to stay at the forefront of dental implantology, an understanding of the equipment,...IPR in clear aligner treatment
Crowding can be a functional and aesthetic headache for patients, and orthodontic treatment is...Shock absorbing teeth
Understanding the mechanical properties of natural teeth has been an important pursuit, informing...Your new approach to implant surgery
Choose guided surgery solutions when planning your implant care and deliver predictable results....Interim goodwill report – a market fuelled by independent buyers
Statistics gathered across the UK dental market over the first half of the fiscal year 2024-25...Home exercises
For treating a temporomandibular disorder (TMD) or trismus, daily physical therapy from the comfort...Refer your patients to a team you trust
When a patient presents with complex needs concerning a dental implant, it is important to refer to...Reinforce your understanding
Confidence in your skills as a practitioner is essential for providing the highest standards of...Composite smiles
In 1928, pioneering dentist Charles Pincus was asked by Hollywood executives to perfect the look of...Making sense of shrinkage stress
In restorative care, there have long been continuous attempts to improve the marginal qualities of...