Dr Sanjay Ardeshna is an Ordinary Member of the British Endodontic Society (BES) council. He shares a little bit about himself and his experience with the BES:

“I am a specialist in endodontics, mostly working in private practice but also working as a specialty doctor/clinical supervisor at the Eastman Dental Hospital. I am an ordinary member of the BES Council and am halfway through my three-year term of office.

“I qualified from Manchester in 1991 and worked in an inner-city NHS general practice and as a part-time clinical assistant in the oral surgery department at the Manchester Dental Hospital for six years before undertaking an MSc in endodontics at the University of Manchester. After a few more years in a mixed general practice, I went to the Eastman Dental Institute in London to embark on the three-year specialist training programme.

“I initially enrolled on my first Master’s degree because I wanted to improve my clinical endodontics and save teeth. During this time, I became more interested in the art and science of the subject, and found I had a small aptitude for the discipline. I enjoy the variety and challenges of the work and gain satisfaction when teeth can be saved.

“I joined the BES over 25 years ago to help keep me up-to-date with the latest endodontic research and techniques which were emerging at the time. The IEJ helped me do this with my further studies.

“Membership of the BES allows me to meet like-minded members of the dental profession with an interest in the endodontics, which is comparatively rare! There is a great camaraderie within the Society and I really enjoy the meetings to catch up with old friends and hopefully make new ones.

“The BES is a very proactive society and it is very interesting to see the amount of hard work that is required behind the scenes to keep it going from strength to strength.

“Outside of work, I enjoy going to the theatre, cinema, and music concerts. I also like tasty food, sparkling wine, and craft beer. I try and keep fit by cycling and running.”


For more information about the BES, or to join, please visit the website www.britishendodonticsociety.org.uk or call 07762945847



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