At this year’s British Endodontic Society (BES) Spring Scientific Meeting, take the opportunity to think about endodontics differently……
Although things have advanced in endodontics – have success rates for our patients improved significantly? We have followed well established dogmas for some time now – but have things really improved for our patients?
The BES is encouraging its members to think outside the box and together let’s think about Endodontics differently!
Attendees can expect sessions from the best clinical scientists covering a broad range of areas. Through these we can significantly advance with a deeper understanding of biological science and translational research, with sessions including:
- Let’s think about endodontics differently: Why does root canal treatment fail? – The dentist, the body and the endpoint (Prof Francesco Mannocci)
- Let’s think about endodontics differently: The treatment of apical periodontitis (Dr Satnam Singh Virdee)
- Let’s think about endodontics differently: Pulpal Diagnosis (Prof Ikhlas El Karim)
- Let’s think about endodontics differently…………… (Prof Hal Duncan)
The day will conclude with an Early Career Group Reception, open to all who have an interest in the group, and particularly useful for those who are new to the profession.
Please visit the website for more information, and to register.
For more information about the BES, or to join, please visit the website or call 07762945847