Setting up a dental squat is an enormous investment of time, money and resources. Yet the results are more than worthwhile, giving you a new space that meets the demands of your patients. To turn your business plan into a tangible reality, a reliable architect is required.

An architect, meaning ‘chief builder’,[i] creates the design concept and ensures that the project meets the requirements of the client. For the construction of a dental practice, there is much to consider: a reception, a waiting area, dental treatment rooms, a staff room. With many different components and numerous logistics to consider, employing a reliable architect best ensures that the final project satisfies you and your patients.

Reputable workers

Every architect is different and, when approached, each will produce a unique plan. Who you choose is the first and most vital step of designing and building a new dental practice; it will dictate how much you spend and how you will attract patients in the future.

Experience is a great starting point. As with many professions, the longer someone has been in the business, the more trustworthy and skilled they can be. Unprofessional and unreliable contractors fail to last long, with word of mouth able to spread a negative image. Checking online for recent reviews paints a picture of an architect’s ability and the quality of service they will deliver. Those who have been working within dentistry for many years will have more experience in overcoming challenges and would have completed many more dental practices. This means that they will have a better understanding of how practices have evolved and how best to meet the latest requirements.

Style and substance

A practice should be a perfectly balanced blend of aesthetic and function. When both disciplines are enhanced to an optimal level, patient satisfaction can increase. For instance, the aesthetics of a dental practice can maintain a positive atmosphere, with colour having a strong impact on emotion.[ii] For patients with dental anxiety, bright lights and white rooms can be intimidating, creating a sterile atmosphere that feels alien – this should be avoided. Instead, architects can propose alternatives, such as using wooden materials and incorporating natural light. This will feel less clinical, easing anxieties for a more relaxed patient experience.

On a functional level, an architect should utilise the allotted space for maximum workflow efficiency. This can cover the layout of the reception and the waiting room area to avoid congestion, having enough space around the dental chair, and making the practice physically accessible for all. Furthermore, you may also want to leave enough space for any future expansions once the business is gaining traction. Installing the latest innovations in dental technology is also recommended for a more streamlined workflow and superior outcomes – patient communication and understanding is enhanced by new digital technologies.[iii] An architect should balance all of these aspects when designing your dental squat.

Clear communication

Consistent communication is essential. In the early stages of meeting with an architect, it is crucial that you note the quality of their communication. This can be something as simple as how quickly the architect gets back to a message; unexplained, delayed responses may show a lack of commitment. Establishing a channel for quick communications can help solve any problems or challenges, keeping the project on schedule.

Within the communication itself, both in-person or over message, it is essential that the architect is clear – there shouldn’t be any overhanging concerns or questions after each interaction. An architect that is asking you questions, and presents in a friendly and attentive manner, is also favourable as this shows interest in getting the job underway. Finding an architect who reliably communicates with you is therefore a crucial part of getting a dental practice designed and built.

A brand you can trust

 Clover Dental Group are invaluable allies to all those designing and planning a new dental squat. The well-connected team can recommend first-class architects to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. This ensures optimal efficiency for your business going forwards. With reliable communication skills, Clover Dental Group offers many excellent services to support you at every step of the project.

Planning a new dental squat is daunting but ensuring that you choose a reputable architect is essential for getting the work done to the timeframes that suit you. With expert guidance on the look and performance of your future business, you can feel confident that your investment will yield excellent long-term results for maximum patient satisfaction.


For more information on the comprehensive services available from Clover Dental Group, please visit the website or call 07961 669996


Author Bio

Steve Kettle has worked in the dental sector for over 30 years and has a wealth of contacts all over the UK after developing strategic partnerships through dental property networks. He has vast experience in delivering high-end building projects in dental, retail, residential and commercial marketplaces.

Steve is very personal and determined when it comes to serving his clients and has an excellent track record in delivering the best results in all his projects. He has an absolute focus on following the brief and creating that personal touch that is greatly appreciated by his clients.  


[i] (2019). architect | Origin and meaning of architect by Online Etymology Dictionary. [online] Available at:

[ii] Bubna, K., Hegde, S., Rao, D., Ketan, Bds, B. and Mds, B. (n.d.). Role of Colors in Pediatric Dental Practices Role of Colors in Pediatric Dental Practices. The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, [online] 41. Available at: [Accessed 4 Dec. 2024].

[iii] Khurshid, Z. (2023). Digital Dentistry: Transformation of Oral Health and Dental Education with Technology. European Journal of Dentistry. doi:

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