You’ve developed your skills and can treat orthodontic patients with confidence. Now, take the next step with the Ortho-Restorative course from the IAS Academy, and integrate new concepts that enhance your treatment outcomes.
The course helps clinicians develop their treatment plans to consider when restorative care may dovetail with orthodontics, providing long-lasting and effective results.
Delegates will learn the theory behind The Dahl Principle, investigating its uses and limitations, before employing their skills in a hands-on session with a fixed bonded retainer.
They also develop beautiful, simple and replicable edge bonding with the reverse triangle technique, which ensures patients can leave the practice with uniform smiles that they can share with the world.
To find out more about the course, and how you can secure your space, contact the IAS Academy team today.
For more information on upcoming IAS Academy training courses, please visit or call 01932 336470 (Press 1)