Following protocols leads to reliable, reproducible results that are safe. In the complicated arena of endodontic treatments, these outcomes are essential.
Coltene has designed the HyFlex EDM OGSF file system for the fast, safe and effective preparation of endodontic procedures. Standing for Opener, Glider, Shaper and Finisher, the file system is beneficial for the patient, offering a smoother feeling when switching from one file to the next and ensuring that fewer insertions are needed.
Along with higher patient safety, employing the HyFlex EDM OGSF system achieves a short learning curve for the practitioner that can simplify the treatment process. This, as well as the optimised match of tip and taper along the sequence, ensures a fast preparation for a more efficient workflow and a better patient experience.
Simplify and enhance your endodontic treatments – use the HyFlex EDM OGSF.
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