Fellows and guests from District 4 of the European Section of the International College of Dentists met for fellowship and dinner at the Royal Thames Yacht Club, London, on Saturday 23rd November 2024. Following an enjoyable drinks reception and dinner, guests received an update on the activities of the Dental Wellness Trust from Henry Cohen, husband of Linda Greenwell who had been due to give the presentation but was unable to attend due to illness.

The Dental Wellness Trust charity was established in 2011 and has one simple mission and that is to improve the general health and wellbeing of young children through dental wellness – especially those most in need. This was designed to inform, educate and inspire Fellows to become involved in either volunteering or starting their own projects.
Attendees also received an update on global humanitarian activities from Philip Dowell. The current Regent of District 4, Roy Morris, thanked Mark Wright for his eight years of dedication and service as the previous Regent and wished Mark well on his new appointment as Registrar for the European Section. Roy then introduced the Vice Regent for District 4, Farzeela Khan-Osborne, Patricia Thomson, Sub Regent for Scotland, and Jon Ayres, Sub Regent for Wales. Jon Ayres, Patricia Thomson, Roy Morris, Farzeela Khan Osborne, Mark Wright.
The International College of Dentists (ICD) has been honouring the world’s leading dentists since 1920 with over 12,000 members, designated as Fellows, in more than 140 countries. Fellowship in the College is by invitation only and is granted in recognition of an individual dentist’s outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service, and dedication to the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of humankind. Prior to being recognised as a Fellow of the ICD, the candidate’s qualifications and achievements are evaluated by a series of credential committees in order to ensure that the individual is deserving of this honour and will live up to the ICD motto of ‘Recognizing Service as well as the Opportunity to Serve’.