We are always talking about the importance of quality over quantity, substance over form, but what does that really mean? In dentistry, this can apply to everything from the care delivered to your patients to the benefits you offer your practice team and the training courses you attend to further your clinical skills. In every situation, it’s important to consider whether the perceived value of an activity or event is accurately reflected in reality.
Quality of care
Though it’s difficult to define exactly what quality care is, Donabedian’s 1980s suggestion was “care which is expected to maximise an inclusive measure of patient welfare, after one has taken account of the balance of expected gains and losses that attend the process of care in all its parts”.[i] The World Health Organization offered its own description in 2018, stating the three key components for quality patient care to be effective, evidence-based services; safe; and people-centred.[ii]
Both of these can be applied to modern dentistry, where it is more important than ever that expectations of both healthcare professionals and patients are met.[iii] A survey from 2015[iv] found that the patient experience was often focused on access, value, health, trust, safety, technology, environment and patient-centred care. Confidence in their dentist’s skills was another major contributor to patients’ satisfaction.[v]
From a professional perspective, treatment success rates will indicate both clinical skill and quality of care provided. Though not easy to achieve, this is much simpler to monitor compared to patient-driven factors. A clinical audit of treatment delivered can be used to demonstrate how often procedures end in the desired/expected outcome.
Meaningful staff support
Most businesses talk about supporting their staff, but it is important to ensure that there is substance in what is delivered.
A benefits scheme, for example, may be considered to offer a tangible list of advantages for team members. Reports from both 2020[vi] and 2022[vii] suggested that employee benefits were the main reason that those surveyed would change job, other than for higher pay. The favourite benefits among UK workers[viii] are thought to include health insurance, flexible working, pension contribution matching, paid sick leave, mental health and wellbeing support, extra holiday allowance and support for parents, among others.
Supporting dental professionals with tangible education and career development opportunities is also important. This means providing access to training courses, and being flexible in allowing for time out of the practice to attend programmes. Skill advancement should also be actively discussed during annual appraisals in order to ensure that individuals feel supported in making the right career decisions for them. This is critical in dentistry right now given the challenges being faced in recruitment across the country.
An education of substance
Complementing education for all members of the dental team, and providing a platform to find the right programmes, are dental exhibitions and conferences. These make sourcing information and professional recommendations easy, with training providers on hand to offer bespoke advice and guidance. Added advantages of attending such events include being able to take the whole team, networking with the wider dental community and discovering state-of-the-art innovations that will help to drive the future success of your business.
However, not all events are made equal. As with all the other areas discussed, it is important to ensure that you select an event that will truly deliver all that you need it to.
What does this look like? A broad range of industry organisations should be in attendance ensuring you can engage with everyone necessary to make intelligent business decisions. There should be an opportunity to try products and materials for yourself, on stands and perhaps also in a practical workshop situation for an enriched learning experience. With regards to the educational programme, make sure there are appropriate lectures for all members of your team that are covering genuinely relevant topics. It is just as useful to check the speaker line-up – you need more than one main headline speaker to make your team’s visit productive and valuable.
If you’re looking for an event you can rely on in 2025, take your team to BDIA Dental Showcase. This is the largest gathering of practice owners, team members and product experts in the UK, designed specifically to deliver tangible benefits that positively affect your business development and staff retention. Several brands attend BDIA Dental Showcase as their only UK event, making this an exclusive opportunity to see them and their cutting-edge solutions. Plus, the conference programme includes a substantial range of leading speakers and relevant topics, with dedicated theatres for fast-growing disciplines such as dental implantology and cosmetic dentistry, and unique hands-on workshops for a truly comprehensive experience.
Beyond the headlines
Whether looking to deliver exceptional patient care, improve staff retention with better support or find an event that facilitates business growth, make sure you do your homework. It’s important to look beyond the headlines to make sure you are getting quality over quantity and substance over form!

BDIA Dental Showcase 2025
14th-15th March
ExCeL London

Author: David Hussey Event Director MA Exhibitions
[i] Donabedian A. The Definition of Quality and Approaches to Its Assessment. Vol 1. Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: Health Administration Press; 1980.
[ii] WHO. Handbook for national quality policy and strategy – A practical approach for developing policy and strategy to improve quality of care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018.
[iii] Busse R, Panteli D, Quentin W. An introduction to healthcare quality: defining and explaining its role in health systems. In: Busse R, Klazinga N, Panteli D, et al., editors. Improving healthcare quality in Europe: Characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies [Internet]. Copenhagen (Denmark): European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; 2019. (Health Policy Series, No. 53.) 1. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549277/
[iv] Tickle, M., O’ Malley, L., Brocklehurst, P. et al. A national survey of the public’s views on quality in dental care. Br Dent J 219, E1 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.595
[v] Dopeykar N, Bahadori M, Mehdizadeh P, Ravangard R, Salesi M, Hosseini SM. Assessing the quality of dental services using SERVQUAL model. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2018 Nov-Dec;15(6):430-436. PMID: 30534171; PMCID: PMC6243813.
[vi] LinkedIn Talent Solutions. Global Talent Trends 2020 report. https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/recruiting-tips/global-talent-trends-2020-report/3qc [Accessed May 2024]
[vii] CIPD. Executive Report June 2022. CIPD Good work Index 2022/ UK Working Lives Survey. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.cipd.org/globalassets/media/knowledge/knowledge-hub/reports/good-work-iindex-executive-report-2022_tcm18-109897.pdf [Accessed May 2024]
[viii] Globacare. Creating an effective employee benefits package. https://www.globacare.co.uk/guides/what-are-the-ten-best-employee-benefits-to-offer-staff [Accessed May 2024]