The rapidly-developing field of implantology has transformed the lives of many patients experiencing edentulism, giving them new hope for fully restored aesthetics and function. The Advanced Certificate in Full Mouth Oral Implant Rehabilitation at ICE Postgraduate Dental Institute and Hospital provides clinicians with the knowledge and skills to be able to apply the latest treatments with confidence.
This highly structured and comprehensive four-month course is led by eminent Specialist Oral Surgeon, Professor Cemal Ucer and Professor Simon Wright MBE.
Alongside excellent lectures and mentoring support, there will be hands-on training in a number of advanced options for treating the atrophic/fully edentulous jaw, including the latest developments in biomaterials used in bone grafts, short implants, zygomatic implants and 3D printed customised implants.
Contact the team today to find out more!
Please contact Professor Ucer at or Mel Hay at
01612 371842