The 2024 Goodwill Report from Dental Elite demonstrates strong lending, and market resilience despite a number of serious challenges in the form of external factors such as inflation, interest rates and trends around recruitment. Owner-operator sale averages are holding steady overall, but scrutiny of the data shows that private and mixed practices surged in terms of multiples, while NHS practices dipped.
Group buyer dynamics shifted last year, with micro-consolidators picking up some of the slack left by Tier One buyers as their activity slowed. Multiples in affluent areas reached 9.00x EBITDA, but high multiples were not limited to affluent areas. Great results were achieved based on variables like the EBITDA margin or income diversity, regardless of location.
If you’re looking to buy or sell a practice in the next 12 months, don’t hesitate. The time is right! Dental Elite have the right specialist expertise to help you realise your dreams today.
To find out more, contact the team!
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the Dental Elite team on 01788 545900