We’re looking forward to hosting the IFEA World Endodontic Congress (WEC) in Glasgow, 11th-14th September. But are you ready? Here’s your checklist for the Congress:
- Visit the website to register now! Pre-booking for the event is more cost-effective than registering on the day. Make sure to do this before 4th
- Book your accommodation. WEC events span 4 days, so be sure to book your hotel so that you can take part. We are proud to have partnered with Glasgow Convention Bureau to offer discounted accommodation nearby.
- Make the most of your stay. There is so much to see and do in Scotland, be sure to book your tickets for Congress events, Pre-Congress Golf Tours, and Accompanying Person Tours early to avoid disappointment.
Find out more by visiting the website and getting in touch with the team.
Register today for IFEA WEC 2024 at ifea2024glasgow.com/registration
For more information about the BES, or to join, please visit the website
www.britishendodonticsociety.org.uk or call 07762945847