Over 80% of people suffer from back pain occasionally, and in more than a third of them it is chronic.

The greatest strain is caused by sitting with a frequently bent back and extreme twisting. Those who are exposed to one-sided strain at work, especially in a seated position, are particularly affected. This is clearly noticeable in dental practices when working chairside. Dentists often have to adopt unfavourable sitting positions and maintain these over a long period of time. In the long term, this often leads to permanent damage to the skeletal and muscular system. This can significantly impair performance and resilience at work and in private life. 

The original Bambach® Saddle Seat provides an ergonomic change in posture without the need for additional exercises or conscious adjustments. This can reduce existing back pain after just a short time and increase vitality and quality of life. Users in medical and dental practices have been enjoying its back-friendly properties since 1996 and have left numerous positive reviews.

Thanks to its patented rear seat curvature, the ergotherapeutic Bambach® Saddle Seat, optimally supports the pelvis and allows the spine to assume its natural and healthy “S” shape, proactively preventing an unhealthy (incorrect) sitting posture.

If you are interested in trialling the Bambach® Saddle Seat please contact us:

Bambach UK
4, Northgate, Crown Road, Enfield, London EN1 1TG
020 8532 5100

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