Dr Amit Bhalla completed the Campbell Academy’s Year Long Implant course, which is supported by Straumann®. He reflects on the training and the impact it has had on his dentistry since:
“I wanted to become proficient at placing and restoring implants and after doing my research I felt that the Campbell Academy was best suited for me to do this.
“The training exceeded my expectations with respect to the excellent course content, delivery of the material by superb speakers and on-going support after the course had finished which was very important to me. Particular highlights included placing my first implant and performing a sinus lift procedure with Colin Campbell.
“It was also useful to have access to the Straumann® solutions, which include an excellent implant system that can cater for different surgical and anatomical scenarios.
“Since completing the course, I have been able to successfully implement implant dentistry into our practice with the help of the Campbell Academy.:
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