Given the rigorous demands of HTM 01-05, dental professionals require the very best in decontamination equipment.
The W&H thermal washer disinfectors, Teon and Teon +, provide efficient and effective cleaning and disinfection of even the most sensitive of instruments.
Teon assists in making an infection control protocol straightforward and efficient, reducing the reprocessing time as well as the risk of cross-contamination and sharps injuries.
Teon +, the premium W&H thermal washer disinfector, ensures that even the most demanding practices are equipped with an outstanding automatic cleaning system for instruments. Teon + offers full traceability to meet current regulatory requirements. Its innovative active air-drying system offers a new standard in terms of quality and performance.
To find out how the Teon range of thermal washer disinfectors from W&H can help you in your practice, visit the website today.
To find out more visit, call 01727 874990 or email