Estimates suggest that, globally, 936 million people have mild to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA).[i] In patients with OSA, the walls of the throat relax, causing the airway to narrow, interrupting normal breathing. This can regularly disrupt sleep, eventually having a big impact on quality of life and increasing the risk of developing other conditions.[ii] Because OSA events happen during sleep, some patients are unaware of the problem,[iii] with signs often first noticed by partners, family, or friends. Symptoms include loud snoring, noisy and laboured breathing, and repeated interrupted breathing.ii
Exploring conventional treatment
Traditionally, patients with OSA are routinely prescribed continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to treat the condition. A CPAP machine uses a hose connected to a mask to deliver a continuous stream of air pressure in order to assist with breathing while asleep. Whilst CPAP machines are able to effectively prevent interruptions to sleep and lower the risk of cardiovascular issues, they do have their drawbacks.[iv] These include:
- Discomfort and difficulty falling asleep
- Anxiety and claustrophobia
- Nasal congestion
- Dry mouth
- Nosebleeds
- Skin irritation caused by the mask
- Bloating caused by airiv
Sometimes, patients choose to stop using their CPAP machine because of these side-effects.iv Additionally, patients who breathe through their mouth when they sleep or have a blocked nose will require a mask which covers their nose and mouth for it to have an effect. Whilst they are an effective treatment type for many patients, they rarely provide a truly good night’s sleep. As such, Open Airway Dental Solutions Ltd. (OADS) offers an alternative.
Introducing the O2Vent™
O2Vent™, the innovative solution from OADS, offers OSA patients a comfortable, discreet, and effective solution for sleep apnoea. O2Vent® is a device which is worn like a mouth guard and is 3D printed using durable nylon, customised to fit each patient. It is able to deliver airway stability due to two special features.
- It moves the lower jaw forward to encourage a more open airway
- It incorporates an airway channel to ensure air is deliver to the back of the throat
Traditionally, when an OSA patient has a nasal obstruction, oral appliances have not been considered an appropriate solution. This is because they might limit the capacity to breathe properly through the mouth, and therefore patients may not tolerate it. Because the O2Vent® incorporates an airway channel into each device, unobstructed air is able to flow freely through the device to the back of the throat. This enables the air to bypass usual areas of obstruction like the nose, tongue, and soft palate.
A good night’s sleep
Ultimately, the ability to offer patients a good night’s sleep is a crucial outcome of OSA treatment. For patients who often breathe through their mouth, struggle to sleep with a CPAP machine due to discomfort or anxiety, or are experiencing a number of negative physical side-effects, offering an alternative treatment option is incredibly valuable.
O2Vent® is already a patient favourite in Australia and Canada, and is now available in the UK. This is a great opportunity to provide patients who believed that CPAP was the best or only option for them with an alternative. Plus, for patients who require an enhanced lip seal to avoid excess saliva build-up or dry lips, the O2Vent™ Optima Mini’s design does not feature an airway extension, for an even more discreet appearance.
A survey[v] of O2Vent® users in Australia and Canada, carried out in 2019, revealed that 95% of patients found the device easy to clean, 91% would continue to use the device, and 80% found it easy to adjust to using their O2Vent®.
OADS understands the needs of OSA patients. This is why they have developed this innovative device, which aims to meet the requirements of patients who are unable to tolerate traditional CPAP treatment, helping to protect their long-term health, and improve their condition and their sleep in the long term.
For more information, please visit:

[i] UpToDate. Clinical presentation and diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Accessed: Feb 24.
[ii] NHS inform. Obstructive sleep apnoea. Accessed: Feb 24.
[iii] OADS. The role of the nose. Accessed: FEB 24.
[iv] Healthline. What’s a CPAP Machine, and How Does It Work? Accessed: Feb 24.
[v] OADS. How O2Vent Works? Accessed: Feb 24.