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Considering the stock market? – Richard Lishman – money4dentist

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  Posted by: Dental Design      16th June 2019

Before setting out to buy and sell shares, professionals need to be aware of the multiple routes they can take in order to find a process that suits their lifestyle, time constraints and ambitions.

Simple on the surface

Shares can easily be found listed on the internet or in financial newspapers and publications, and their current buying and selling price will be listed alongside. Making an offer on these shares is as simple as deciding how much you are willing to pay and submitting it. If the offer is accepted you will receive the shares and pay for them. Selling shares follows much the same structure.

However, there are multiple routes to take to get from A to B when buying and selling shares, and prospective traders should be aware of these going forward.

How will you deal?

The first way to buy and sell is to enlist the help of a stockbroker. Stockbrokers can either act on behalf of your requests, or work with you to advise you before making decisions.

Another option is to buy and sell shares through a share-dealing service. Most banks and building societies will have this service available, and there are a number of online entities that provide the same service. Companies may also list their shares as available, allowing people to buy directly from them.

The last option is purchasing and selling through a share shop. These establishments may be connected to banks or building societies but also can be independent.

Find a method that suits you

If you have the time to do all of your buying and selling in person, more of the options will be viable. However, if time is slim, online options or delegating the actual buying and selling may be a better idea.

The size of your investment also plays a part. If you are only buying a small amount of shares, a share shop may be the easiest option. For major investments, a dedicated stockbroker is probably a better choice, as they will be able to monitor these shares constantly and give you tailored advice as necessary.

Costs of each service must also be factored in – if the gains are unlikely to be high, then there’s no point spending lots of money for services to monitor these assets.

Guidance going forward

Undoubtedly this can all be a bit confusing for people outside of the industry, especially if you are considering buying and selling shares for the first time. By enlisting the help of experienced Independent Financial Advisers such as those at money4dentists, the process becomes much more simple. With the help of our team you can ensure that you choose a route that is right for you, allowing you to enter this competitive, exciting market armed with the knowledge you need to succeed.


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