Katie Spears has been appointed as the new Interim Executive Director of Legal and Governance at the GDC, effective this month.

Prior to this appointment, Katie served as the GDC’s Interim Senior Counsel and Associate Director of Legal, overseeing the In-House Legal Advisory Service.

Katie has led both legal and governance functions in the GDC for over 10 years. She was the Council’s Board Secretary for five years and has delivered large, business-critical change for the organisation – including several Board recruitment campaigns, a Board Development programme, and the implementation of a suite of governance improvements following an external review into Board Effectiveness.

Katie started her practice as a self-employed barrister, practising in predominantly criminal and regulatory law, and subsequently moved into financial and healthcare regulation. She is the co-Executive sponsor of the GDC’s Women’s Network and is passionately committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and promoting a positive and inclusive working culture.

Tom Whiting, GDC Chief Executive, said: “Katie Spears has proved a real asset to the Legal and Governance directorate and the GDC, and I have no doubt she will continue to provide the GDC with the benefit of her considerable skill and expertise. I look forward to working with her in this new capacity.”

As a member of the Executive Leadership Team, Katie has collective responsibility for leading the delivery of the strategic aims set by the Council. In addition, she will lead the delivery of the GDC’s legal and governance services, ensuring adherence to the legal framework that governs Council’s work and decision-making.

The outgoing Interim Executive Director of Legal and Governance, Clare Paget, joined the GDC in March 2023, and has shown great professionalism and pragmatism to guide our work in a changing environment while always showing commitment to public protection.

The recruitment campaign for the roles of Executive Director, Legal and Governance, and Senior Counsel and Associate Director, Legal, closed recently, and applications are being processed to find the best and most appropriate people for these important positions.

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