Dental professionals have many regular patients, some that they may have treated for many years. As rewarding as giving an excellent treatment to a patient can be, especially when they display immense satisfaction, it can be disappointing to find that patient return months later with a number of complications.
Without effective biofilm management, the microbiome of the oral cavity becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.[i] For patients with inadequate oral hygiene knowledge or poor toothbrushing techniques, dental treatments can be undermined. For instance, a patient with an implant and poor plaque control may find themselves at a greater risk of peri-implantitis.[ii] Treatment failure leads to more appointments and, unless the patient’s at-home oral care improves, this could be repeated.
To avoid repeated appointments and ensure the success of a treatment, Curaden Academy has devised the iTOP (individually-trained oral prophylaxis) programme. This spotlights how dental professionals can change the habits and views of their patients on biofilm management, giving them the knowledge and skills to teach at-risk patients on how to brush correctly.
Master the basics
iTOP employs a Touch-to-Teach (T2T) philosophy that stems from the question: ‘How can you teach others if you can’t do it yourself?’ Students on an iTOP programme will be taken by the hand and shown the preventative techniques for toothbrushing through practice. This approach strips learning down to the very basics then builds upon it for a comprehensive understanding of optimal hygiene techniques.
As part of the T2T section, dental professionals will be asked to teach their colleagues their newly learned optimal oral hygiene techniques as if they were showing a patient. After a demonstration, the ‘patient’ will try themselves. A correctly repeated technique means the dental professional will pass the examination and can then teach their patients.
Climbing the iTOP ladder
T2T is one component within an educational system formed of four levels. The different iTOP programmes are Introductory, Advanced, Recall, and Educator, with T2T forming part of the latter three options.
iTOP Introductory is a one-day seminar that details evidence-based solutions for how daily biofilm management can manage plaque-related dental diseases. It also highlights the importance of patient motivation so that they look after their oral health continuously and not fall back to their previous routine, or lack of.
For the next step-up, iTOP Advanced provides a deeper insight into implementing the lessons learned into the daily dental workflow. Lasting two days, the seminar includes a T2T practice in a small group setting and offers a more personalised experience through individual feedback and the opportunity for questions and discussion. This will give dentists a greater degree of confidence when teaching their patients.
In the continuous educational journey of a dental professional, it may be necessary to have a refresher on certain topics. iTOP Recall is an annual programme that keeps dental professionals up to date on their oral prophylaxis, as well as showcasing any new research or techniques.
The next generation
Having incorporated their new skills into the workflow and helped patients, dental professionals may wish to be an iTOP instructor themselves. Across the four-day iTOP Educator programme, they can receive an in-depth study of iTOP methodology, scientific evidence and criteria. There is also a simulation of a practical session, with a specific focus on T2T skills, as well as the appropriate options for different types of patients, such as perio, implant or orthodontic. This gives dental practitioners an all-encompassing knowledge to help their future students help their patients.
By completing an iTOP programme from Curaden Academy, dental professionals can guide patients to heal themselves on their own by showing the best techniques and motivating them towards an optimal biofilm balance.
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