Hands-On Restorative: The Art and Science of Provisional and Interim Implant Restorations is a one-day course offered by the ICE Postgraduate Dental Institute and Hospital, under the leadership of Professor Cemal Ucer, eminent specialist oral surgeon.
Provisionalisation is an important element of the prosthetically driven implant treatment plan. Dentists who are currently restoring implants, or those who have just started placing can join the course to learn the step-by-step process from the fabrication of a chairside screw-retained provisional crown to the customisation of an impression post.
By joining the course, dentists will understand the indications for and aims of provisional implant restorations as well as when and how to use the different options available. They will learn how to construct, fit and modify provisionals, as well as how to accurately record soft tissue contour and take accurate impressions.
As well as receiving comprehensive hands-on training, delegates will gain an insight into ensuring effective communication with the laboratory.
Contact the team today to find out more!
Please contact Professor Ucer at ucer@icedental.institute or Mel Hay at mel@mdic.co
01612 371842