Dr Mark McAlister is an Ordinary Member of the British Endodontic Society (BES) council. He shares a little bit about himself and his experience with the BES:

“I am from Northern Ireland, and based in Leeds. I work in primary care and split my time between endodontic practice and general practice. I was elected onto the BES council in 2024 – this is my second time on council. I am also involved with Dental Foundation Training and I am interested in representing the perspective of recently qualified dentists, those in primary care and those working in non-specialist endodontic practice.
“I think endodontics is the ultimate dental specialty. It’s challenging, frustrating and rewarding. Endodontics brings relief to patients and improves the quality of their lives. I am passionate about endodontics and take great satisfaction being involved in the area.

“I first joined the society over 10 years ago, just before I started postgraduate training in endodontics. I joined for the educational events, as I valued quality education with an endo focus. I then got to know some people and it became a good way to meet with friends from courses and connect with people. I value the access to the IEJ which BES membership gives me and discounted attendance on the study days. Also, the monthly BES newsletter always makes me feel connected to the society and others with the same interest.

“I’m passionate about endo and being part of the society connects me to others who feel the same. Being involved with the society for a number of years, it makes me feel very proud to have seen the effort that the BES makes to provide guidance and support for dentists, whether providing guidelines during Covid or the recent Guide to Good Endodontic Practice. Attending study days and catching up with people who are now good friends is something I look forward to. I have been grateful for the support the BES has offered me in my career and the care it has shown for the profession.

“Outside of my work, I enjoy reading books and try and get through at least one a week. I love watching films with the family, especially sharing the 80’s classics with my children. I am also addicted to Lego and spend a large amount of time hiding new purchases from my wife.”


For more information about the BES, or to join, please visit the website www.britishendodonticsociety.org.uk or call 07762945847


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