Creating high-quality preliminary dentures is key to ensuring patients are prepared for the next stage of their oral health journey. When laboratory technicians choose modelling wax from Kemdent, including the leading Anutex solution, they are sure to craft high-quality restorations that improve the try-in process.
The Anutex modelling wax is Kemdent’s most popular European wax, featuring excellent handling qualities. Available in a translucent pink that produces a smooth, glossy surface after gentle flaming, supports high-quality restorations that inform crucial patient care.
The wax is designed to not irritate oral tissues, and features a pleasant odour and flavour.
During preliminary denture fabrication, the wax softens without becoming crumbly or flaky, and trims easily and cleanly, but it will not distort in the mouth and affect the ensuing denture creation process.
Anutex is joined in Kemdent’s modelling wax range by Anutex Eco, Astynax, Tenatex, and many other popular solutions. Discover the range and find out more by contacting the team today.
For more information about the leading solutions available from Kemdent, please visit www.kemdent.co.uk or call 01793 770 256