Dr Ariadne Letra will be presenting her session “Unravelling the connection between apical periodontitis and systemic health: Insights from the host genome”. This will be part of the “Host factors, apical periodontitis, and systemic disease: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask” lecture series at the upcoming IFEA World Endodontic Congress (WEC), 11-14 September 2024. She shares her excitement about the event, and describes what attendees can expect from her session:
“I look forward to seeing everyone at the IFEA World Endodontic Congress in Glasgow, where my colleagues and I will be presenting breakthrough findings on the interconnectedness between endodontic pathosis and systemic disease. Specifically, we will discuss the latest evidence on the role of host genetics in apical periodontitis and shared biological mechanisms with systemic conditions.”
For more information, and to register, please visit the website today.
Register today for IFEA WEC 2024 at ifea2024glasgow.com/registration
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