Leaning to approach more complex cases with the aid of clear aligner treatments means you can help a wider range of patients, whilst giving them confidence throughout their care. With the Clear Aligners (Level 2) course from the IAS Academy, clinicians can expand upon their experiences and deliver an entirely new range of care.
The course, running in both June and November of 2024, is led by specialist Josh Rowley, and covers digital planning, complex elements of malocclusions, considerations for extraction cases, and so much more.
It is the perfect opportunity to understand how to accurately perform stage tooth movements with clear aligners and interproximal reduction in complex cases, so clinicians can achieve more predictable treatment outcomes.
Plus, the skills learnt from this course are applicable when using all clear aligner systems, so you can develop your care with the appliances you are currently most comfortable with.
To learn more about this brilliant chance to further your clear aligner treatments and welcome a new wave of patients to your practice, contact the team today.
For more information on upcoming IAS Academy training courses, please visit
www.iasortho.com or call 01932 336470 (Press 1)